2015-2016 School of Chinese Seminar
The Prototype of Liu Yong’s Ci Poetry
杜若鴻博士 Dr. TO Yeuk Hung
香港大學中文學院 School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong
Date: Thursday, November 26, 2015
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua
講座摘要 柳永是詞史上最為著名的詞人之一,對宋代及後代文學產生了深遠影響。然而,關於柳詞的評價一直爭論不休,至今仍為學術界關注的熱點。本文通過對柳詞原生狀態的探源,以期達至中肯、客觀的論斷。作者尤其着力從音樂文學這個視角考察柳詞的原型,指出社交功能和娛樂功能是柳詞生命力得以生生不息的源泉,而由於詞人主體意識的深化,柳詞的抒情功能亦表現突出。詞發展至柳永時,是三者共融的最佳狀態。這種多重功能的並存,乃促成柳詞兼具雅俗風格的根源所在,同時亦從發生學上解釋了「柳永熱」現象的產生和特質。藉此典型個案的研究,將有助學界對唐宋詞更深入的認識。
Abstract Liu Yong is one of the most famous Ci writers. He has tremendous influence on Song and later literatures. Nevertheless, there have always been endless debates on the status of Liu’s works and the argument is now still the focal point of academia. This paper will trace the prototype of Liu Yong’s Ci to enable a fair and objective judgment on the controversial issue. Particular attention will be drawn from the perspective of musical tradition. It points out that the social and recreational functions were the ever-green source of vitality of Liu’s Ci, and the lyrical function became more prominent with the intensification of literati consciousness. The practical value of such socio-recreational activities accelerates the style towards combining both elegant and vulgar aesthetics of Liu’s works. It also explained why the genetic phenomenon of “Liu Yong Heat” occurred. This typical case study of Liu Yong’s works will display significant reference value for the research in the original state of Chinese Ci poetry as well.
講者簡介 杜若鴻,香港大學法律學士,浙江大學文學碩士,2011年獲香港大學哲學博士學位。杜博士自2003年起加入香港大學中文學院漢語中心,專注於中國古典詩詞、文學評論和創作、中國傳統文化的研究領域。著作共十二種,代表性學術專著有《柳永及其詞之論衡》(浙江大學出版社)和《北宋詩歌與政治關係研究》(北京大學出版社)。
About the Speaker Dr. To Yeuk Hung graduated from the Faculty of Law of HKU and received his Master’s degree in Ci poetry from the Zhejiang University and Doctoral degree in Shi Poetry from the School of Chinese, HKU. Dr. To joined the School of Chinese (Chinese Language Centre) of HKU from 2003. He is the author of twelve published books wherein representative works include “A Critical Judgment of Liu-yong and his Ci Poetry” (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press) and “An Interrelation Study between Shi Poetry and Politics in the Northern Song Dynasty”(Beijing: Peking University Press). His main research interests lie in the fields of Chinese Shi and Ci poetry, literary criticism, creative writing and Chinese culture.
All are welcome !
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