《紅樓夢》中的情:晚明情欲解放的沿襲與曹雪芹、脂硯齋的契合The Concept of Qing in Honglou meng, its lineage to the late-Ming sensitivity and emotion communion between Cao Xueqin and Zhiyan zhai

2015-2016 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar

The Concept of Qing in Honglou meng, its lineage to the late-Ming sensitivity and emotion communion between Cao Xueqin and Zhiyan zhai

Ms Yiu Chun Lam 姚春琳女士

Date and Time: February 26, 2016 (Friday); 5:30-6:45pm
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Language: English

Despite its indispensability for deciphering the novel, Honglou meng, the concept of qing remains somewhat recondite. Among the scholarly attempts to unravel the treatment of the concept in the novel, little consensus has been reached. I believe the ambiguity of the concept lies in part in the evolution of its connotations, as well as the emergence of new interpretations throughout history, particularly in the cult of qing in late Ming; in part in the personal emotions and experiences of the author, Cao Xueqin (1715-1763?), his frustration as a failure in, his nostalgia for bygone days and his disillusionment with life. Hence this seminar will centre on the historical development of the concept of qing, as well as other aspects of qing revealed in the Zhiyan zhai commentaries.
