The School of Chinese is offering a brand new elective 6-credit course in the coming semester. CHIN9001 “Digital Communication and Chinese Culture” (please scroll down for Chinese version):
Course Code: CHIN9001
Name of Course: Digital Communication and Chinese Culture (數位傳意與中華文化)
Teaching Year: 2021/22
Course Level: undergraduate-level
Course Credits: 6 credits
Course Schedule: Wednesday 6:30-8:20pm
Course Language: Chinese Language
(supplemented with minimum mandarin and English where suited)
Course Coordinator:
Dr Hayson Liu Shun Hei (廖舜禧博士)
Office: Room 702, 7/F, School of Chinese, Run Run Shaw Tower
Course Instructor:
Miss Jay Mok Chi Yan (莫芷茵老師)
Office: Room 724, 7/F, School of Chinese, Run Run Shaw Tower
Course Summary:
CHIN9001 Digital Communication and Chinese Culture is a course that offers unique learning opportunities for students who are interested in the emerging discipline of Digital Humanities. Bridging Chinese cultures with digital communication, CHIN9001 gives student an overview of the existing digital tools and online platforms that benefits the portrayal and understanding of Chinese cultures. Students are encouraged to communicate, present and share their knowledge and experience related to Chinese cultures through digital tools and online media/platforms – this process of applying digital skills on the portrayal of Chinese culture will allow student to critically evaluate the relationship between technology and culture.
The course will also cover communication-intensive skills such as digital literacy, visual literacy, oral literacy, and written literacy. Particularly for digital and visual literacy, both are tthe emphasis of the course since students are encouraged to learn digital/ multimedia skills such as vlogging, microfilming, video-editing, website-making, communicative software/social media to communicate their knowledge on Chinese cultures.
Apart from traditional Chinese cultural elements, popular topics such as digital art, ArtTech, NFTs, meme culture and social media algorithms will be discussed to enhance students’ understanding of the market landscape of digital initiatives in the conveyance of Chinese culture. Students can develop their digital/online/multi-mode communication skills via digital media and online platforms and innovate their learning experience.
The infrastructure that supports students’ direct experience of Chinese culture will be provided by the School of Chinese’s ongoing experiential and cultural exchange activities. Enrolled students will be provided abundant opportunities to demonstrate their acquisition of digital skills, and they are expected to learn beyond the traditional methodology of communication in Chinese context and understand the significance of alternative modes of communication.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
On completing the course, students will be able to:
1. Connect the basic concepts and theories pertaining to Chinese culture and digital communication by means of digital tools;
2. By getting students acquainted with digital communication skills such as photo essay, vlog, website-making, digital media and social engagement sites, 3-Dimensional technology, virtual reality and related digital tools, the course seeks to inspire student to critically examine the preservation and conservation of Chinese cultural heritage in Hong Kong/China and other Asian societies using relevant theoretical and practical knowledge over digital trends;
3. Demonstrate an awareness of the phenomenon of multi-modal communication and the need to increase digital literacy in the context of cultural sustainability, and of cultural heritage in contemporary society;
4. Evaluate the significance of technological advancement in altering the development of Chinese cultural heritage in everyday life;
5. Identify and reflect on the relationship between elements of Chinese culture, and to enhance students’ ability to communicate fluently about Chinese culture through digital means.
課程編號: CHIN9001
課程名稱: 數位傳意與中華文化
教授學年:2021-2022 (下學期)
本課程旨在結合傳統文化與科技,促進數位文化傳意的能力,提升學生對數位媒體的認知及文化傳意的技巧。課程涉獵的數位媒體包括圖像攝影(Photography)、視像影片(Videography)、藝術科技 (Art-Tech) 、文化科技(Culture-Tech)、網絡應用程式(Digital Software) 和社交平台 (Social Media) 等,藉此增進學生對相關文化内容的瞭解和表達。
一、認識中華文化以及數位傳意 (digital communication) 的理論及關係;
二、 熟悉各類與中華文化有關的數位媒體如圖像式論文 (photo essay)、影像日誌 (vlog)、數位互動網站 (interactive website)、數位社交媒體 (digital social media)、三維技術 (3-Dimensional technology) 、虛擬實景(virtual reality) 等;
三、增進學生的媒體素養 (digital literacy) 及多模態 (multi-modality) 的認知;
統籌:廖舜禧博士 (
電話:3917 5204
授課:莫芷茵老師 (
電話:3917 7306