Past Events 2014-15

文化自覺與龐德漢譯的重新評估Cultural Awareness in Re-evaluating Ezra Pound’s Translations of Chinese Classics


Cultural Awareness in Re-evaluating Ezra Pound’s Translations of Chinese Classics

Professor LUO Xuanmin 羅選民教授
Tsinghua University / Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Date and Time: December 29, 2015 (Tuesday); 2:30-4:00pm
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Language: Putonghua

Cultural Awareness plays an important role in translation. A good translator is one that is very clear about the preference of the host culture, thinking patterns of the natives, and good at rendering the source text into the target language, taking appropriateness as primary value so as to keep the style and spirit of the source text. Based on close readings and adequate analysis on Ezra Pound’s poems and translations, the writer wants to demonstrate that misunderstanding occurs when the translators or translation theorists are not equipped with cultural awareness. Basing on close reading of the papers, monographs and research projects in regard of Pound’s translations, the writer proposes for a series of criteria for evaluating the translation of Chinese classics: the needs of the host nations, the subscriptions abroad, the library circulation, citations by the scholars, and revision of the translation.


LUO Xuanmin is Professor at Tsinghua University, and Yunshan Leading Professor at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China. He is President of China Association of Comparative Studies of English and Chinese (CACSEC), Editor-in-Chief of Routledge’s journal Asia Pacific Translation Intercultural Studies, and member on the editorial boards of Journal of Chinese Translators and Foreign Languages of China. He is on the 6th Evaluation Committee (2014) for “Lu Xun Literature Prize” (2014), and on the 2nd and the 3rd Evaluation Committee of “Chinese Book Award” by State Council (2011, 2013). He received fellowships from American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and Salzburg Global Seminar, Summer Fellowship from Cambridge University, etc. He was twice Visiting Fellow to Yale University (1995-1996, 2001) and Fulbright Research Scholar to UCLA (2006-2007). His publications include books and translations in various presses and articles in various journals at home and abroad. He has received the special award and allowance from The State Council of China for his outstanding contribution to China’s higher education since October 1993.

罗选民,清华大学二级教授(2007)、人文社会科学杰出人才(2011),广东外语外贸大学云山领军学者(2015)。主要社会兼职: 中国英汉语比较研究会会长,英国劳特里奇出版社期刊Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies主编,《中国翻译》、《中国外语》编委。他是第六届鲁迅文学奖评委,第二、三届中国图书政府奖评委,先后获得美国学术联合委员会(ACLS)、萨斯堡全球论坛、剑桥大学等的研究金,1995和2001年度耶鲁大学比较文学系访问研究员,2007年加州洛杉矶分校富布莱特研究学者;有专著、编著、译著三十余部,逾百篇论文在国内外著名学术期刊发表。自1993年起享受国务院政府特殊津贴。

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伴侶婚姻和中國古代夫婦情愛Conjugal Love and the Chinese Companionate Marriage

School of Chinese Seminar

Conjugal Love and the Chinese Companionate Marriage

Speaker: Professor Lu Weijing, University of California, San Diego
Time: December 15, 4:30-6:00pm
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU
Language: Putonghua


The argument that arranged marriage was a Confucian relic of oppression (of both women and youthful emotion) was put forth by Western observers scornful of the “Orient” and by radical Chinese intellectuals decrying Confucian tradition in the early 20th century. The viewpoint is problematic because it implicitly holds Western cultural premises up as universal truths and it assumes a pervasive and uniform impact of Confucian ideology on marriage. But if we examine literary representations and personal writings as well as moralist discourses, a range of ideas and practices can be detected. These records, along with a comparative perspective of companionate marriage, offer a different way of thinking about the meaning of marriage in imperial China.

Professor Lu Weijing is associate professor of history at the University of California, San Diego. Currently she is visiting Hong Kong Baptist University as a University Fellow. She is the author of True to Her Word: The Faithful Maiden Cult in Late Imperial China (Stanford, 2008), which won the Berkshire First Book Prize on Women’s History, and guest editor of a special issue on China for the Journal of the History of Sexuality (May 2003). Her current research focuses on family and marital practices in China from the seventeenth century through the nineteenth.

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“華藻”與“常言”之間: 清中前期在華傳教士的漢語學習及其文言、白話書寫的遞變Between Flowery Language and Everyday Speech : Catholic Missionaries’ Learning and Writing of Chinese in Mid-Qing China

School of Chinese Seminar Series

Between Flowery Language and Everyday Speech :
Catholic Missionaries’ Learning and Writing of Chinese in Mid-Qing China

宋剛博士 Dr. Song Gang
香港大學中文學院 School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong

Date and Time: December 4, 2015 (Friday), 5:30-6:45 PM
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Language: Putonghua


During the Ming-Qing transition era (approximately the 17th century), European Catholic missionaries followed one another to sail to the East and launched a new wave of missions in China, which in turn induced a broader range of cultural exchanges between China and the West. The missionaries’ observation, study, and use of both spoken and written Chinese language not only determined the effectiveness of their evangelical endeavors, but the attainment of linguistic knowledge was also tied with conflicting missionary approaches among the major Catholic orders in China. The seminar centers on a group of exemplary Christian works from the early and middle Qing periods. By way of textual comparison and contextual analysis, I will explore how the missionaries tackled the key issues while learning Mandarin, especially on the distinction between elegant and vulgar styles and the speeches embedded with regional features, and moreover, how they consciously advocated the importance of baihua (vernacular) writing and further made it a sub-tradition in parallel with the established mainstream of wenyan (literary) writing. Their achievements in language learning and real writing mirrored the continual evolvement of Chinese language at the time, and their baihua works provided a discernible stimulus for the ultimate prevalence of vernacular language in the late Qing and modern periods.

宋剛博士 現為中文學院的中國史副教授。他對中國宗教史、中西文化交流史有廣泛的興趣,個人研究側重於基督教與明清中國社會。他已發表多篇相關學術論文,目前從事的專題項目包括晚明的耶儒對話、早期天主教的《聖經》漢譯、十七世紀中國的聖母崇拜等。

Dr. Song Gang is Associate Professor of Chinese History in the School of Chinese. He has broad interests in Chinese religions and the cultural exchanges between China and the West in history, while his research focuses on Christianity in late imperial China. He published a number of journal articles and book chapters in this field, and his ongoing research projects include late Ming Christian-Confucian dialogism, early Catholic bible translations in China, and Chinese Marian devotions in the 17th century.

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同文異文:中國古書異義舉例Identical Variants: Examples of Different Meanings in Ancient Chinese Texts

2015-2016 School of Chinese Seminar

Identical Variants: Examples of Different Meanings in Ancient Chinese Texts

夏含夷教授 Professor Edward L. Shaughnessy

Department of East Asian Languages & Civilizations, University of Chicago

Date and Time: December 7, 2015 (Monday); 5:30-6:45pm
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Language: Putonghua


“Identical” “variants” seems to be a contradiction in terms, and yet due to the nature of the Chinese writing system, not only can a single character have different meanings, but it can also represent different words. This phenomenon is readily seen in Chinese literature, but is even more common in excavated texts. In this paper, I will examine two such examples found in recently published excavated texts, and will also go on to discuss their significance with respect to what has been called “reading customs.”

夏含夷教授 是芝加哥大學東亞語文系顧立雅講座教授,主要研究領域為中國古代文化史、出土文獻學與經學。他的中文著作包括《古史異觀》(2005)、《興與象:中國古代文化史論集》(2012)、《重寫中國古代文獻》(周博群譯,2012)、《孔子之前:中國經典誕生的研究》(2013)。

Professor Edward L. Shaughnessy is the Lorraine J. and Herrlee G. Creel Distinguished Service Professor in Early Chinese Studies in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, the University of Chicago. The author of such English-language works as Sources of Western Zhou History: Inscribed Bronze Vessels (1991), Before Confucius: Studies in the Creation of the Chinese Classics (1997), Rewriting Early Chinese Texts (2005), Unearthing the Changes: Recently Discovered Manuscripts of the Yijing (I Ching) and Related Texts (2014), and co-editor (with Michael Loewe) of The Cambridge History of Ancient China: From the Origins of Civilization to 221 B.C. (1999), his primary field of interest is the cultural history of ancient China, especially its unearthed documents and transmitted literature.

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A Workshop on “Sinophone Hong Kong: Issues and Debates”

Jointly presented by the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong.

A Workshop on “Sinophone Hong Kong: Issues and Debates”
Date: 5 December 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Venue: Lecture Hall (G01), G/F, May Hall, The University of Hong Kong
  • David Der-wei Wang (王德威), Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities, The University of Hong Kong; Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature, Harvard University
  • Shu-mei Shih (史書美), Hon-yin and Suet-fong Chan Endowed Professor in Chinese, The University of Hong Kong
  • Leonard Kwok Kou Chan (陳國球), Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
  • Stephen Yiu Wai Chu (朱耀偉), Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong
  • Lucas Klein (柯夏智), Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong
  • Chia-cian Ko (高嘉謙), College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
  • Alvin K. Wong (黃家軒), Underwood International College, Yonsei University
  • Mary Shuk Han Wong (黃淑嫺), Faculty of Arts, Lingnan University
  • Nim Yan Wong (黃念欣), Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Enquiries and online information: 3917-5011 / ihss@hku.hk

A Forum on “Sinophone Hong Kong: Issues and Debates”

Jointly presented by the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong.

A Forum on “Sinophone Hong Kong: Issues and Debates”
Date: 5 December 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 4:30 PM (Reception at 4:00 PM)
Venue: Room T6, 1/F, Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong
  • David Der-wei Wang (王德威), Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities, The University of Hong Kong; Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature, Harvard University
  • Shu-mei Shih (史書美), Hon-yin and Suet-fong Chan Endowed Professor in Chinese, The University of Hong Kong
  • Angela Ki Che Leung (梁其姿), Joseph Needham-Philip Mao Professor in Chinese History, Science and Civilization, The University of Hong Kong
  • Leonard Kwok Kou Chan (陳國球), Chair Professor of Chinese Literature, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
  • Kwai Cheung Lo (羅貴祥), Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University
Enquiries and online information: 3917-5011 /
The “Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities” Scheme was launched in 2008 through the support of the Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation. The scheme hosts visiting scholars renowned in their fields with the objective of enhancing and enriching humanities studies at The University, which in turn contributes to the art and humanities culture of Hong Kong.

對話的可能: 以金聖歎及其形式批評群體與明清之際文學思潮為個案分析The Possibility of Conducting an Open-dialogue with the West: A Case Study through the Perspective of Discussing the Relationship between Jin Shengtan and His Formalist Criticism Literary Group and the Literary Trend during the Late Ming and Early Qing Periods

2015-2016 School of Chinese Seminar

The Possibility of Conducting an Open-dialogue with the West:
A Case Study through the Perspective of Discussing the Relationship between Jin Shengtan and His Formalist Criticism Literary Group and the Literary Trend during the Late Ming and Early Qing Periods

黃偉豪博士 Dr. WONG Wai Ho
澳門科技大學 Macau University of Science and Technology

Date: Thursday, November 26, 2015
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua

講座摘要 在古代文學批評中,形式批評處於相對較低的地位,但本身畢竟饒富意義。其中金聖歎(1608-1661)是在形式批評上具劃時代意義的批評家與集大成者,其批評之風靡一時、影響甚鉅,至少體現於對明清之際文學批評的審美取向轉變方面。究竟原因頗多,尤為重要者是金氏生前身後有一眾批評家為之羽翼,甚至形成流派,由此推波助瀾而成氣候。此一形式批評群體頗與西方形式批評相似,卻又具有自身話語特色,從而構成與西方文論對話的可能。

Abstract Formalist Literary Criticism is generally in a comparatively inferior position in the concept and history of Classical Chinese Literary Criticism.  However, its literary and cultural significance should be highly valued from the modern perspective. Among the formalist critics, spot light should be focused on Jin Shengtan (1608-1661) as his criticism not only reflects his comprehensiveness and depth of thoughts, but also his influence on the change of aesthetic trend during the late Ming and early Qing periods. Undoubtedly, this is interfaced by numerous factors, but the most important factor is that there was a crowd of followers around JIN, who triggered the growth of Formalist Criticism in the interim and afterward. Having its own discourse, the above-mentioned sort of criticism resembles the Formalist Criticism in the West, and this would probably facilitate the conduction of an open-dialogue with the western literary criticism.

講者簡介 黃偉豪,南京大學古代文學博士,現職澳門科技大學助理教授、復旦大學博士後。學術興趣為古代文學、古代文學批評、現代國學與海外漢學。著有《文學師承與詩歌推演──南宋中興詩壇的師門與師法》,論文發表於《文學遺產》等刊物。

About the Speaker WONG Wai Ho holds a PhD in Classical Chinese Literature from Nanjing University. He is currently working as Assistant Professor at Macau University of Science and Technology and Postdoctoral Fellow at Fudan University. His research interests include Classical Chinese Literature, Classical Chinese Literary Criticism and Modern Chinese Studies & Sinology Studies. He has published a scholarly book titled An Influence of the Relationship between Progenitor and Inheritor on the Progress of Chinese Classical Poetry: A Study on Relationship of Progenitor and Inheritor of Poetry during the Resurgence of Southern Song Dynasty, and a number of articles in Literary Heritage and other journals or conference proceedings.

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「世界一花」:從王維本人的佛教論說看他的佛教詩學All the Worlds of the Cosmos Are But a Single Flower: Wang Wei’s Buddhist Poetics in His Own Words

2015-2016 School of Chinese Seminar

All the Worlds of the Cosmos Are But a Single Flower:
Wang Wei’s Buddhist Poetics in His Own Words

魏寧博士 Dr. Nicholas Morrow WILLIAMS

香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University

Date: Thursday, November 26, 2015
Time: 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua

講座摘要 當代學術界早就認識到佛教思想與唐詩的緊密關係,但佛教到底從何時、以何種形式影響到唐詩等問題還值得探討。連王維(701–761)也不例外:傳統詩話及文學批評通常會運用禪宗的頓悟概念闡釋王維的詩歌,但近年的佛教史研究的共識是,禪宗的基本思想在八世紀中葉前還沒有形成。在西方漢學家看來,王維是一位沒有宗教色彩的、純粹的宮廷詩人,這種看法卻又嫌太膚淺。本文針對這兩種研究方向的缺點,嘗試從王維本人的佛教論說出發,集中探討其偉大作品〈能禪師碑〉,進行更為符合歷史事實的研究。此種探討對唐詩的闡釋會有深遠的意義。

Abstract The relevance of Buddhist thought to Tang poetics has long been recognized in modern scholarship, but the precise nature and scope of that relevance have remained murky. In traditional Chinese literary criticism, it was customary to read Wang Wei’s (701–761) poetry through the lens of certain concepts from Chan Buddhism. But the historical research of recent decades has shown that the fundamental doctrines of Chan Buddhism had not yet been elaborated in Wang Wei’s lifetime. On the other hand, though, the attempts of modern scholars to read Wang Wei as merely a conventional court poet are frustratingly superficial. A historically sound appraisal of Wang Wei’s Buddhist poetics is feasible, though, if we take into account his numerous doctrinal writings, in particular his remarkable stele inscription for the Sixth Patriarch of Chan, Huineng (638–713). This investigation has profound implications for the reading of Tang poetry in general.

講者簡介 魏寧現任香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院助理教授。研究範圍包括:中古詩歌與辭賦、佛教與文學、和日本漢文學。其近著包括專書《自我的模仿:江淹與中國詩學》(布裏爾學術出版社,2015年),合編論文集《文化南方與中古詩歌》(香港大學出版社,2015年)等。

About the Speaker Nicholas Morrow Williams is assistant professor in the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology at Hong Kong Baptist University. His recent publications include the monograph Imitations of the Self: Jiang Yan and Chinese Poetics (Brill, 2015), and the coedited volume Southern Identity and Southern Estrangement in Medieval Chinese Poetry (HKU Press, 2015).

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柳永詞的原生狀態探微The Prototype of Liu Yong’s Ci Poetry

2015-2016 School of Chinese Seminar

The Prototype of Liu Yong’s Ci Poetry

杜若鴻博士 Dr. TO Yeuk Hung
香港大學中文學院 School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong

Date: Thursday, November 26, 2015
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua

講座摘要 柳永是詞史上最為著名的詞人之一,對宋代及後代文學產生了深遠影響。然而,關於柳詞的評價一直爭論不休,至今仍為學術界關注的熱點。本文通過對柳詞原生狀態的探源,以期達至中肯、客觀的論斷。作者尤其着力從音樂文學這個視角考察柳詞的原型,指出社交功能和娛樂功能是柳詞生命力得以生生不息的源泉,而由於詞人主體意識的深化,柳詞的抒情功能亦表現突出。詞發展至柳永時,是三者共融的最佳狀態。這種多重功能的並存,乃促成柳詞兼具雅俗風格的根源所在,同時亦從發生學上解釋了「柳永熱」現象的產生和特質。藉此典型個案的研究,將有助學界對唐宋詞更深入的認識。

Abstract Liu Yong is one of the most famous Ci writers. He has tremendous influence on Song and later literatures. Nevertheless, there have always been endless debates on the status of Liu’s works and the argument is now still the focal point of academia. This paper will trace the prototype of Liu Yong’s Ci to enable a fair and objective judgment on the controversial issue. Particular attention will be drawn from the perspective of musical tradition. It points out that the social and recreational functions were the ever-green source of vitality of Liu’s Ci, and the lyrical function became more prominent with the intensification of literati consciousness. The practical value of such socio-recreational activities accelerates the style towards combining both elegant and vulgar aesthetics of Liu’s works. It also explained why the genetic phenomenon of “Liu Yong Heat” occurred. This typical case study of Liu Yong’s works will display significant reference value for the research in the original state of Chinese Ci poetry as well.

講者簡介 杜若鴻,香港大學法律學士,浙江大學文學碩士,2011年獲香港大學哲學博士學位。杜博士自2003年起加入香港大學中文學院漢語中心,專注於中國古典詩詞、文學評論和創作、中國傳統文化的研究領域。著作共十二種,代表性學術專著有《柳永及其詞之論衡》(浙江大學出版社)和《北宋詩歌與政治關係研究》(北京大學出版社)。

About the Speaker Dr. To Yeuk Hung graduated from the Faculty of Law of HKU and received his Master’s degree in Ci poetry from the Zhejiang University and Doctoral degree in Shi Poetry from the School of Chinese, HKU. Dr. To joined the School of Chinese (Chinese Language Centre) of HKU from 2003. He is the author of twelve published books wherein representative works include “A Critical Judgment of Liu-yong and his Ci Poetry” (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press) and “An Interrelation Study between Shi Poetry and Politics in the Northern Song Dynasty”(Beijing: Peking University Press). His main research interests lie in the fields of Chinese Shi and Ci poetry, literary criticism, creative writing and Chinese culture.

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