Past Events 2017-18
CHIN3312旅遊、文學、翻譯暑期課程(6學分)Travel writing, literature, and translation
從對“雅”的態度看李漁的審美獨特性The Aesthetic Uniqueness of Li Yu through His Attitude towards “Elegance”
2017/2018 School of Chinese Research Students Seminar
The Aesthetic Uniqueness of Li Yu through His Attitude towards “Elegance”
魏琛琳Wei Chenlin
December 1, 2017 (Friday), 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua
In the late Ming period, there emerged a trend of elegance-worshipping. Not only did the scholarly class embrace this practice, perpetuating this concept in both their daily life and in their writings, but wealthy merchants and officials also pursued “elegance” actively in their devotion to elegant objects. The chief reason for this phenomenon is great commercial prosperity and the accumulation of material wealth, along with the disintegration of the existent social order and the establishment of a new commodity-society relationship. During this process, the scholarly class became increasingly impoverished, standing on the verge of decline; whereas other classes competed to fill this cultural and political void with their economic wealth. To alleviate the sense of loss caused by status decline and the anxiety of identity blurring, the scholars tried to reshape their image by giving “elegance” a new meaning. Though this, they could build a distinctive self-image and categorize themselves from those so-called “connoisseurs” and “collectors”. The emergence of elegance-worshipping in the late Ming writings can be traced through the evocation of the word of “elegance”, which appeared frequently and became a critical discourse as well as an aesthetic standard of elite literati. However, it should be noted that the idea of “elegance” and “vulgarity” was not only used by elite literati groups, but also by ordinary literati who actively used these concepts to elevate their class identity and glorify themselves. Because of similar identities, ordinary literati had some viewpoint concerning “elegance” in common with elite scholars. However, different backgrounds and personal mental states made them different when evaluating specific objects. Li Yu is one of them.This talk will explore the aesthetic uniqueness of Li Yu by comparing his attitude towards “elegance” with the attitude of elite scholars.
北進想像與後九七香港電影的男性形像Changing Manhood in Post-97 Hong Kong Cinema
2017/2018 School of Chinese Research Students Seminar
Changing Manhood in Post-97 Hong Kong Cinema
余庭鋒 Yu Ting Fung
December 4, 2017 (Monday), 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Cantonese
Regarding gender identity as a kind of social construction, geopolitical and economic transformation may affect the social imagination of local men in post-97 Hong Kong cinema. Previous studies indicated that Hong Kong people’s masculinities are mainly valued by their economic superiority based on Hong Kong’s financial success since 1970s. However, after the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, economic upheavals, such as the 1997 Asian financial crisis and outbreak of SARS in 2003, challenged the economic status of Hong Kong, and the construction of Hong Kong masculinities may change accordingly. Meanwhile, the rise of two major ideologies, namely localism and nationalism, also plays a crucial role in forming local people’s identity as well as masculinity. This talk will examine how the post-97 Hong Kong cinema has reflected and contributed to the gendered subjectivity of Hong Kong people in the post-handover society.
從詠史到寫史——汪端的歷史敘事From Writing about History to Compiling History: Wang Duan’s Historical Depiction
2017/2018 School of Chinese Research Students Seminar
From Writing about History to Compiling History: Wang Duan’s Historical Depiction
繆冬 Miao Dong
December 8, 2017 (Friday), 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua
Wang Duan was one of the most famous women poets in Qing China. She was born in a literati-scholar family in Qiantang (Hangzhou) and received scholar education. Her works, which cover a broad range of subjects and exhibit her interest in history, were published posthumously under the title Ziran haoxue zhai ji (Collected Writings from Natural Love-of-Learning Studio). Besides, what makes her unique was the fact that she was the editor of Ming sanshi jia shi xuan (Selected Poems of Thirty Ming Poets), a comprehensive anthology of Ming poetry written by male poets. She was also a profound historian. In this presentation, I will analyze Wang Duan’s life trajectory through her poetry writing (especially those poems related to history) to demonstrate how a 19th century female scholar empowered herself by writing, commenting and editing work.
2018 HKU – NTU Summer Course港大 – 台大暑期課程
2018 HKU – NTU Summer Course 2018年港大 – 台大暑期課程
課程名稱: CHIN1213 民俗學與現代中國文化(6學分)
CHIN1213 Folklore and Modern Chinese Culture (6 credits)
教學對象:BA、BA&BEd、BA&LLB學生 (此前已修讀過同一課號者除外)
課程費用:課程費用*由學生個人負擔3000HK$,其餘6000HK$ 由文學院的Student Mobility Fund資助(僅資助首次申請,且不可與任何其他資助同時使用)。需預繳全費,課程結束後退還6000HK$。
* 課程費用(9000HK$)已包含往返機票、機場接送、酒店住宿,以及參觀門票、導覽等費用。飲食及其他日常雜費(如購買日用品、洗衣、乘捷運或公交等),需學生個人負擔。
報名方式: 2017年12月22日之前
楊煉《敘事詩》詩歌朗讀Public Reading by Yang Lian on His Narrative Poem
2017-2018 School of Chinese Public Lecture Series
Public Reading by Yang Lian on His Narrative Poem
Date: December 8, 2017
Time: 4:00-5:15pm
Venue: Room 730 Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: English and putonghua
Yang Lian is one of the most innovative and influential contemporary Chinese poets whose works have been translated into many languages. Narrative Poem, Yang’s most personal work to date, is built around a series of family photographs, the first of which was taken on the day when he was born, on 22 February 1955, and the last of which dates from the time he spent undergoing ‘re-education through labour’ – and digging graves – during the mid-1970s. The poetry ranges backward and forward in time, covering his childhood and youth, his first period of exile in New Zealand, and his subsequent adventures and travels in and around Europe and elsewhere. Narrative Poem was published in China in 2011, and the bilingual edition (with Brian Holton’s English translation) was published in June this year. In this event, Yang Lian will read some poems in Chinese from his Narrative Poem and Dr. Lucas Klein will read Holton’s translations.
All are welcome
2017/2018 School of Chinese Public Lecture Series
程光煒 (中國人民大學)
時間:2017年12月6日(星期三); 4:30-6pm
程光煒 現為中國人民大學文學院教授、博士生導師。中國當代文學研究會副會長,中國文學批評研究會副會長。主要從事中國當代文學史、當代作家年譜研究。曾在《文學評論》、《文藝研究》、《當代作家評論》、《文藝爭鳴》、《中國現代文學研究叢刊》和《南方文壇》等核心雜誌發表論文200餘篇。主要著作有《文學講稿:“八十年代”作為方法》、《文學史二十講》和《文化的轉軌》等。
All are welcome
Meet the Masters相約大師譯道行
A translation forum “Meet the Masters”, jointly organised by the School of Chinese and the Hong Kong Translation Society, will be held on Saturday morning, 2nd December, at Lecture Theatre A, Chow Yei Ching Building, The University of Hong Kong. The speakers are new Honorary Fellows of the Hong Kong Translation Society. The Forum is open to the public. Registration is required. Please see the poster for details.
Registration Form
Law and the Circulation of Documents by Scribes in the Early Chinese Empires
「定天保,依天室」: 談武王克商之終極目標Securing Heaven’s Blessing by Settling in Heaven’s Hall: Thoughts on King Wu’s Ultimate Intention in Conquering Shang
2017-2018香港大學中文學院公開講座 HKU School of Chinese Public Lecture Series
Securing Heaven’s Blessing by Settling in Heaven’s Hall: Thoughts on King Wu’s Ultimate Intention in Conquering Shang
演講者Speaker: 朱鳳瀚教授 Professor ZHU Fenghan
地點Venue: 百周年校園逸夫教學樓730室
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
時間 Time: 2017年11月3日 4:30 – 6:00pm
語言 Language: 普通話 Putonghua
All Welcome