Past Events 2018-19

誰是翻譯的主——當代中國基督教處境化下論翻譯者的身份Serving More Than Two Masters: Contextualization of Christianity in Contemporary China and the Multiple Identities of Translators

2018/2019 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar

Serving More Than Two Masters: Contextualization of Christianity in Contemporary China and the Multiple Identities of Translators

Miss Zhang Chen

June 14, 2019 (Friday); 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: English

The publication volume of translation works of Christian literature from English to Chinese has soared recently with the contextualization of Christianity in contemporary China. This phenomenon gives a fascinating opportunity for the study of multiple identities of the translator and translation behaviours in translating Christian literature. The translation approach the translators opt for, serving the standard of Christianity – to preserve the message, or serving the standard of translation studies – to find the dynamic equivalence, is influenced by the activation and verification of their identities. In Translation Studies, the identity of translators is often discussed as a group identity focusing on their translation behaviours. This research takes a micro approach and puts translators’ multiple identities into an individual identity framework. Four Chinese translation versions of C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, published in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan respectively, as well as the identities of translators are examined. The research data includes both translation texts and translators’ own articulation of their identities in translators’ notes and in email correspondences. The case study manifests a dynamic coexistence of and interplay between role identity of being translators, social identity of being a part of the target culture and for some, Christians, and person identity of being doers of contextual theology of individual translators. In theory, person identity is the most likely to be verified. However, the research found out that translators tend to verify their role identity of doing translation and social identity of being a part of target culture more in their translation behaviour of the actual translation texts, even if their person identity of being doers of contextual theology was activated elsewhere (in translators’ notes or in their personal accounts). It is suggested that by introducing the contextualization model, translators could realize the existence of person identity and its relationship with other identities. The research findings deepen our understanding of culture contexts in the translation of Christian literature and translators’ identities for those who translate Christian literature, helping translators be more aware of their own identities and providing a tool for translators to guide and justify their translation behaviours.




2018/2019 School of Chinese Research Students Seminar

Leung Ping-kwan’s Translational Works from the Intercultural Communication Perspective

李滌凡 Lee Tik Fan

May 24, 2019 (Friday), 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua


Leung Ping-kwan (1949-2013) is well known for his intercultural communication writings. Rey Chow (1993) thinks “Leung always writes in dialogue”. From these “conversations”, Leung connected different places, landscapes and both overt and covert cultural identities. His familiarity with both China and the West gives him the advantage to be a “cross border commuter” (Kubin, 2009). As a representative of Hong Kong indigenous writer, he wrote a lot about travelling and cityscapes. After 1997, he started writing about food. The intercultural communication elements are common to be found in these works. For the presentation, I will introduce my theoretical framework based on Martha Cheung’s “Translation as Intercultural Communication” and discuss the relationship between the two concepts. Then I’ll try to answer the following questions: While Leung’s work is intercultural, can his work also be translational? How is the space of Hong Kong “translated” by Leung?



An exchange programme organized by the School of Chinese for undergraduate and postgraduate students will take place during the summer holiday to Silk Road including Dunhuang and Lanzhou. Details of this event are available in the following call circular.





考察:28/6-29/6 :甘南草原、藏傳拉卜楞寺
5/7 -7/7 :嘉峪關、敦煌、鳴沙山、月牙泉
按金:HK$1000 (完成課堂後發還)

查詢:中文學院體驗學習及交流計劃總監廖舜禧老師(39175204 /



2018/2019 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar

Knowledge Production about China: Translation and Commentaries of Yan Lianke’s Serve the People!

程邦策 Mr. Cheng Bangce

May 27, 2019 (Monday); 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: English

閻連科(1958—)是國際上享有盛譽的中國作家。其2005年發表后遭禁的小說《為人民服務》由英國漢學家藍詩玲(Julia Lovell)譯成英文,標誌著閻連科作品進入英語世界。此書通過描寫“文化大革命”期間師長家的公務員與師長夫人的一段性愛關係,諷刺了革命口號的虛偽和軍隊的腐敗。在翻譯過程中,譯者藍詩玲對文本進行操縱,以使其更加適合西方語境。同時,《為人民服務》在西方的傳播也離不開形形色色的評論,如書評、譯者小記、廣告語等等。本次學術報告將從文本中的中國形象入手,對藍詩玲的英文譯本和幾種評論進行解讀,以展現翻譯和評論活動如何參與西方的中國知識建構。

Yan Lianke (b. 1958) is among the world’s most renowned Chinese writers. His work was first introduced to the English-speaking readership by British translator and scholar Julia Lovell, who translated Wei Renmin Fuwu (English: Serve the People!). This 2005 fiction about the adultery between a General Orderly and the Division Commander’s wife is commonly read as a bitter satire of revolutionary politics and its corruption. In the translation process, Lovell made certain adjustments to the original to ensure its proper functioning in the target culture. Meanwhile, the dissemination of Serve the People! in the West is intimately associated with the commentaries surrounding the translated piece in the forms of book reviews, translator’s notes, and advertising messages. This talk addresses the understudied issue of how the textual practices of translating and commenting on this fiction participate in the construction of a discursive China, thereby contributing to Western knowledge production about the PRC.


從“中國作家”到“馬華文學中的人物形象” ——郁達夫與馬華文學

2018-2019 School of Chinese Seminar

From “A Chinese Writer” to “Images in Sinophone Malaysian Literature”:Yu Dafu and Sinophone Malaysian Literature

劉俊 教授 Professor Liu Jun

May 21, 2019 (Tuesday), 4:30-6:00pm
Rm730, Run Run Shaw Tower
Language: Putonghua


From 1938 to 1945, Yu Dafu was engaged in cultural efforts and anti-Japanese propaganda in the Nanyang (Southeast Asia nowadays) where he made a notable contribution to the local literature and cultural development, and fell into the controversies of local literary circles. After disappearing in 1945, Yu became a literary image featuring in an array of genres of Sinophone Malaysian literature. The contemporary Sinophone Malaysian writer Ng Kim Chew renders Yu in his fiction, The Disappearance of M, Death in the South, as a significant embodiment and symbol for pondering the subjectivity of Sinophone Malaysian literature. Ng’s construction of the images of Yu demonstrates the complicated relationship between Sinophone Malaysian literature and Chinese literature.


Liu Jun, Professor of the School of Liberal Arts at Nanjing University, is currently a visiting professor at the School of Chinese, HKU. He has worked at the University of Waterloo, Canada (2009-2011), and at Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong (2017) as a visiting professor, and was a visiting scholar at Grinnell College (2005), and at Taiwan University (2008). His research areas include modern and contemporary Chinese literature, and Sinophone literature. He has published seven books including A Compassionate Mind: Critical Biography of Bai Xianyong, Re-combinative Permeation of Chinese Literature in the World, and A Holistic Perspective of Chinese Literature in the World.




2018/2019 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar

The Narrative Changes of Taiwanese History in Taiwan’s Historical Education

朱家恒 Mr. Chu Ka Hang

May 17, 2019 (Friday); 5:30-6:45pm
Rm730, Run Run Shaw Tower
Language: Cantonese


Under the Ministry of Education, the National Institute for Compilation and Translation (NICT) has monopolized the compilation of textbooks in Taiwan since the end of World War II. The history textbooks complied by NICT fully reflected the “orthodox China-centered” doctrine of history upheld by the Kuomintang government. However, when the “Understanding Taiwan” curriculum was introduced in 1997, NICT adopted a completely different approach emphasizing Taiwanese identity. Such a phenomenon could be explained by the vigorous development of Taiwan studies after the lifting of martial law in 1987. This seminar will compare the narratological approaches of the Taiwan history textbooks and the Understanding Taiwan textbooks and critically examine their relationship to the scholarship of Taiwan studies at that time to explore how historical research affected historical education and shaped ideology, resulting in a rewriting of school textbooks of history. This will shed new light on our understanding of how national identity was reconstructed by academic authority and historical education in a given socio-political context.




Marvelous Marine Creatures from an Illustrated Catalogue in Early Qing China

鄒振環 教授

2019年5月14日下午5: 00 – 6: 30






2018/2019 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar

Translation and Women’s Identities: A Case Study of
Indigenous Women Translators in Early Twentieth-century China

尹姝慧 Miss Yin Shuhui

May 3, 2019 (Friday); 5:30-6:45pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: Putonghua


Historical and archival research in recent years has questioned the term “women” as a consistent category of identity throughout history, which has given rise to more nuanced discussions on a host of issues related to women. During the New Culture Movement in the early twentieth century, the emergence of translated literary works by female translators contributed to the construction and interpretation of women’s identity in China, in comparison with gender discourse in traditional China. Among them, Xue Qiying and Shen Xingren were two understudied female translators, whose works appeared in the influential journal La Jeunesse and invite fruitful analysis from the perspective of feminist identity construction. This study focuses on translation works by Xue and Shen and delves into the construction of the identity of “women” as part and parcel of postcolonial modernity and the roles played by translation in this process.