Past Events 2019-20

[Postponement of the seminar]譯者的慣習與行動者屬性:基於葛浩文的個案研究Habitus and the Agency of a Translator: A Case Study of Howard Goldblatt

Please note that the below seminar is postponed. The new date will be advised in due course.

2019/2020 School of Chinese Research Student Seminar

Habitus and the Agency of a Translator: A Case Study of Howard Goldblatt

Mr. Lu Xuanming 陸宣鳴先生

時間 Time: February 13, 2020 (Thursday), 05:30pm-07:00pm
地點 Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong

Based on the first-hand data collected from Chinese Literature Archive at the University of Oklahoma, this talk explores the translation habitus and the capital structure of Goldblatt as an agent in the field of the translation of Chinese literature. Dividing Goldblatt translation habitus according to his life trajectory, translation thoughts and internalization of the field’s influences, this talk finds out that his translation habitus, characterized by reader-oriented mediation and respect for both readers and writers, took shape immediately after he entered the field. With the huge success of his first translation work Mayor Yin, his symbolic capital accelerated. However, a careful comparison between the first drafts and the post-editing drafts of his translation works reveal that Goldblatt’s translation habitus remains largely unchanged over the years.


All are welcome

[暫停]2020 年港大 – 暨大交流項目HKU – JNU Exchange Programme


2020 HKU – JNU Exchange Programme
2020 年港大 – 暨大交流項目

Lingnan Culture Seminar Series for Bay Area University Students


主辦: 香港大學中文學院、暨南大學港澳歷史文化研究中心

報名方式: 2020年1月31日前掃碼填表報名。


An exchange programme organized by the School of Chinese for undergraduate and postgraduate students will take place during the reading week of March to Silk Road including Dunhuang and Xinjiang. Details of this event are available in the following call circular.



大漠孤煙直——絲路•敦煌新疆古道行」旨在善用3月的「閱讀交流周」(Reading & Field-trip week),由中文學院老師帶領同學感受壯闊絲路、親炙浩瀚敦煌。行程先赴敦煌研究所,沿河西走廊至敦煌大漠,登臨嘉峪關、莫高窟、天梯山;暢遊月牙泉、鳴沙山、馬蹄寺,感受陽關飛雪、廣漠連天。最後深入新疆,攀天山、登天池。共探千古唐窟漢墓、足踏張掖萬里丹霞。


日期:2020年3月6至16日 (Reading Week 11天)

對象:全日制港大生 (本/研皆可;本科及曾修讀中文學院課程者優先)

費用:$6500 (包機票4程、高鐵、交通、食宿、教材、門票所有費用)

資助:可獲(A)院方及/或(B)MES資助,獲批者全程只需約$1100 (獲AB兩項資助者) 或 $3000 (獲A項資助者)。請確保持有有效旅遊證件(回鄉卡、簽證)




查詢:中文學院體驗學習及交流計劃總監廖舜禧老師(39175204 /

[Venue changed]中文學院學術研討會 “道傳中華:和合本聖經及聖經漢譯”[只供校內人仕參加]


School of Chinese Symposium “The CUV Bible and Bible Translations in Chinese”

School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong
Institute for China and Global Development, University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Truth Book Room, Hong Kong
Taiwan Gospel Book Room, Taiwan
Asian Research Center, U.S.A.

Date: 7 December 2019 (Saturday)

Time: 9:00 am – 18:30 pm

Venue: G03-05 Main Building, University of Hong Kong

Description and Themes:
The CUV is considered a milestone in Chinese translation of the Bible. First published in 1919, it has played a significant role in the growth of Chinese Christianity through the 20th century. Despite voluminous studies done by scholars in the past decades, more research is needed to explore a series of interrelated key issues, including the historical formation of the CUV Bible, its language, terminology, and translation principle, the overlaps and gaps between the CUV Bible and major biblical translations by Protestant and Catholic missionaries in China, as well as the revised edition of the CUV at the beginning of the 21st century. This symposium is therefore aimed to provide a platform for leading scholars in this field to further study and re-evaluate the CUV in the history of Bible translations into Chinese.

A total of 12 paper presentations, alternatively in English and Chinese, will be given by scholars from U.S., Europe, Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, focusing on the following major themes:

  • Contextual Studies: The CUV and Chinese Language
  • Contextual Studies: Revision, Publication, and Circulation
  • Textual Studies: Translation and Comparison
  • Textual Studies: Chinese Terminology and Hermeneutics





時間:9:00 am – 18:30 pm




  • 語境研究:和合本與漢語語言
  • 語境研究:改訂、出版與傳播
  • 文本研究:譯經與比較
  • 文本研究:中文譯名與漢語解經

[Postponement of the seminar] 明代官話還是晉方言?山西雜劇和《青郊雜著》的基礎方言 Míng Period Guānhuà or Jìn Dialect? The Qīngjiāo zázhù as a Standard for Shānxī Opera

Please note that the below seminar is postponed. The new date will be advised in due course.

2019-20 School of Chinese Seminar

Míng Period Guānhuà or Jìn Dialect?
The Qīngjiāo zázhù as a Standard for Shānxī Opera

Professor Richard Van Ness Simmons 史皓元教授

時間:Time: December 13, 2019 (Friday), 11:00am-12:30pm
地點: Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus,
The University of Hong Kong
演講語言 Language: 普通話 Putonghua


This presentation examines the phonology of Sāng Shàoliáng’s (fl. 1543-1581) Qīngjiāo zázhù [Compilation from the Qīngjiāo studio]. Sāng Shàoliáng compiled his book in an effort to provide a phonology that broadly reconciles northern and southern Mandarin pronunciations, primarily as a guide to versification. Because Sāng was from the area of Northern Héběi, his work is also often thought to represent a form of the Guānhuà koinē of the time. However, such a characterization has been disputed, as Sāng’s phonology contains idiosyncratic elements and layers that could not have been widely used in the Míng Mandarin koinē. Careful analysis of the phonology in Sāng’s book reveals that in fact it was directly based on a type of Shānxī dialect, a variety that is spoken in the region where Sāng spent a large portion of his professional and family life. We thus have a detailed guide for operatic enunciation by an author of the Jìn region who also wrote at least one Míng play: Dúlèyuán 獨樂園 [Garden for secluded contentment]. This presentation will outline Sāng’s Shānxī phonology and explore whether or not that phonology can be discerned in the rhyming used in the songs in his one surviving play.

史皓元 (Richard Van Ness Simmons),美國西雅圖華盛頓州漢語語言學博士,香港大學中文學院客座教授,美國羅格斯–新澤西州立大學亞洲語言文化系終身教授、前系主任。曾獲亨利.魯斯基金會中美合作研究項目提供的看就經費在江蘇省從事漢語方言地理學研究。2015年獲選成為普林斯頓高等研究院(IAS)的研究會員。他的研究範圍包括:漢語方言、漢語史等。著作包括《漢語方言分區的理論與實踐》(英文版1999,中文版,2011)、《江淮官話與吳語邊界的方言地理學研究》(與石汝傑和顧黔合著,2006)、《滬英–英滬小詞典》(2011)、《漢語與漢藏語研究:方言、音韻與文獻》(與方妮安合編,2014)等書。

Richard Van Ness Simmons is Visiting Professor in the School of Chinese at The University of Hong Kong and Professor of Chinese and Immediate Past Chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Rutgers University. He holds a Ph.D. in Chinese linguistics from the University of Washington, Seattle. He has received numerous grants and awards to support his scholarship, including a multi-year grant from the Henry Luce Foundation U.S. China Cooperative Research Program. In Spring 2015 Simmons was the Starr Foundation East Asian Studies Endowment Fund Member of the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. His areas of expertise include Chinese dialectology and the history of Chinese. Simmons’ publications include Chinese Dialect Classification — A Comparative Approach to Harngjou, Old Jintarn, and Common Northern Wu (1999; translation in Chinese 2010), Chinese Dialect Geography: Distinguishing Mandarin and Wu in Their Boundary Region (2006), Shanghainese Dictionary and Phrasebook (2011) and Studies in Chinese and Sino-Tibetan Linguistics: Dialect, Phonology, Transcription and Text (2014).

All Welcome


[Cancellation of the seminar] The Pidgin Warrior: Zhang Tianyi’s Satire

Please note that the below seminar is cancelled.

2019/2020 School of Chinese Seminar

The Pidgin Warrior: Zhang Tianyi’s Satire

David N.C. Hull (Washington College, Maryland)

November 15, 2019 (Friday); 4:30-6:00pm
Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
Language: English

Satire is a most frustrating topic for analysis, not because it is rare or unimportant, but because there are so few things about satire that can be said with consistent confidence. Satire, more than most narrative devices, makes the reader explicitly central to the meaning of the text. This of course, only adds to the contention of meaning.

Set in decadent, cosmopolitan Shanghai at the onset of the Japanese invasion, Zhang Tianyi’s (張天翼 1906-1985) 1936 novel The Pidgin Warrior (洋涇浜奇俠) provides images of nationalism, modernism, and globalism for ridicule in ways that still resonate today.

David N.C. Hull is an Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Literature at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland. Among his translations are Zhang Tianyi’s novel The Pidgin Warrior and the PEN Award winning Waverings by Mao Dun.



[Cancellation of the seminar] 布衣之文:清前期文壇身份意識的強化與文化權力的轉移 “Commoners’ Prose”: The Strengthening of Literary Identity Consciousness and the Transfer of Cultural Power in the Early Qing Dynasty

Please note that the below seminar is cancelled.

2019-20 School of Chinese Seminar

“Commoners’ Prose”: The Strengthening of Literary Identity Consciousness and the Transfer of Cultural Power in the Early Qing Dynasty

Professor GUO Yingde

時間 Time: 2019年11月26日(星期二)November 26, 2019 (Tuesday), 下午5:00-6:30pm
地點 Venue: 香港大學百周年校園邵逸夫教學樓730室 Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial
Campus, HKU
演講語言 Language: 普通話 Putonghua


During the Shunzhi and Kangxi reigns in the Qing Dynasty, very distinct forms of identity emerged in the literary world. Contemporary “commoner” (unrecruited scholar) and “official” Masters of the Ancient Prose Style were consciously and explicitly differentiated according to their socio-political roles, thus creating a distinction between “commoners’ prose” and “officials’ prose.” In the early Qing, “commoners’ prose” was substantial enough to keep pace with “officials’ prose” or even overtake it, thus promoting a growth in ancient prose output alongside a downward shift of cultural power in literary circles. It was the shared pursuit of early Qing “commoners” in their theory, criticism, and composition to inject ancient prose with superlative spiritual and moral cultivation, including enhancement of the cultural integrity of “the commoners’ prose” through insertion or infusion of the commoners’ personal integrity. However, after more than a century of struggle, by the Qianlong period the “commoners” had finally lost their battle. Scholar-officials reasserted their hegemony in the literary world, and once again it was their criticism and judgement that dominated trends in literary style, “commoners’ prose” gradually losing its former glory.

郭英德,文學博士,北京師範大學中國古代文學、中國古典文獻學教授。出版專著二十餘部,論文二百多篇。代表性著作爲《明清傳奇史》(江蘇古籍出版社,1999;人民文學出版社,2012),《中國古代文體學論稿》 (北京大學出版社,2005)。目前主持國家社會科學基金項目“中國古代散文研究文獻集成”(14ZDB066)。2019年秋季學期,作為香港大學訪問教授,在中文學院講授本科課程“元明清戲曲”和“中國古典小說專題研究”。

Professor GUO Yingde (PhD, BNU, 1989) is Professor of Traditional Chinese Literature and Chinese Classical Philology in Beijing Normal University. He has published more than twenty books and more than 200 academic papers. His representative books include History of the Chuanqi Drama in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (Jiangsu Ancient Books Press,1999; People’s Literature Press, 2012), Essays on the Study of Literary Genre in Ancient China, Peking University Press, 2005). Now he leads the Major Project of the National Social Sciences Foundation of China (14ZDB066) “Collected Sources for Research on the Ancient Chinese Prose.”
In Fall semester 2019, Professor Guo’s undergraduate courses are CHIN2145 Chinese Theatre during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Periods, and CHIN2173 Topical Studies of Classical Chinese Fiction.

All Welcome!
