Past Events 2020-21

帝國、資源開採與不可譯性:馬華文學與東南亞華人的視角Empire, Extraction, and Untranslatability: Mahua Literature and Southeast Asian Chinese Perspectives

2020-21 School of Chinese Seminar


Empire, Extraction, and Untranslatability: Mahua Literature and Southeast Asian Chinese Perspectives



Dr. Nicholas Y. H. Wong


The University of Hong Kong



Date日期: May 24, 2021 (Monday)

Time時間: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Venue地點: Room730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus & via Zoom

Language演講語言: English英文

Zoom Meeting ID: 974 2940 6058

Password: 148774


This talk approaches the formation of Mahua (or Chinese-Malayan), and more broadly, Southeast Asian Chinese literary subjectivity as a dance between claims of their “untranslatable singularity” and their multifaceted history of translation projects. So, rather than view Mahua literature as either a local-oriented or a diasporic minor literature written in Chinese in present-day Malaysia, I propose a new framework that views translation and notions of untranslatability as a main theme of Mahua literature’s development from colony to nation. Here, untranslatability is connected to the idea of “native language,” the very thing that Mahua literature has struggled to define, in light of other forms of untranslatability that Mahua literature has to contend with, such as imperial sovereignty over religious meaning, or the totality of horror of certain migrant experiences. Using sources such as novels, short stories, and diaries, and relating them to examples of translation projects by colonial offices intended for governance, I locate Mahua literature’s formation within specific state and market conditions of empire and extraction in Southeast Asia, as well as juridical-religious transformations in Malaya’s multilingual, multicultural society.




Nicholas Y. H. Wong (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago) is a postdoctoral fellow in the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at the University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on media and modernity in China and Southeast Asia, resource extraction literary politics, Chinese-English translation, transnationalism and diaspora, poetry and poetics. His book project, titled Resource Extraction and Decolonial Literary-Intellectual Chinese Thought from the Malay Peninsula, is a materialist and geoeconomic history of Mahua literature and intellectual culture. His articles and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in CLEAR (Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews), Chapters on Asia, Renditions, and PRISM.​

王學權,美國芝加哥大學比較文學博士。現於香港大學人文榮譽學會(Society of Fellows in the Humanities)擔任博士後研究員,主要研究方向為中國和東南亞的媒體和現代性、資源開採的文學政治、中英翻譯、跨國主義和離散、以及詩歌與詩學。目前正在撰寫專著《馬來半島的資源開採與去殖民化的華文文學與思想》,檢視馬華文學與思想文化的物質與地緣經濟史。 論文和譯作曾在或即將在CLEAR (Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews) 、Chapters on Asia、《譯叢》和PRISM 等期刊或論文集裡發表。

ALL are welcome

廣東海盜與世界文學:波赫士筆下的鄭一嫂(張保仔之妻)Cantonese Pirates in World Literature: the Legend of Ching I Sao (Cheung Po Tsai’s stepmother/wife) according to Jorge Luis Borges

2020-21 School of Chinese Seminar


Cantonese Pirates in World Literature: the Legend of Ching I Sao

(Cheung Po Tsai’s stepmother/wife) according to Jorge Luis Borges



Dr. Yunfei Bai


The University of Hong Kong



Date日期: May 24, 2021 (Monday)

Time時間: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Venue地點: Room730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus & via Zoom

Language演講語言: English英文

Zoom Meeting ID: 974 2940 6058

Password: 148774


This talk traces how the Jinghai Fenji (Record of the Pacification of Pirates) by Qing dynasty historian Yuan Yonglun blossomed—through repeated translation and rewriting—into the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges’s famous short story “La viuda Ching, pirata” (The Widow Ching, Lady Pirate) in the latter’s 1935 collection, Historia Universal de la Infamia, known in English as A Universal History of Infamy. The original text, published in Canton in 1830, was translated into English by German sinologist Charles Neumann in 1831; this in turn was further adapted by British writer Philip Gosse into a portion of his History of Piracy, upon which Borges, knowing no Chinese, based his own retelling. By closely comparing Borges’s reworking with the previous Western versions, and against the original source in Chinese, I argue that when adapting the Chinese work, Borges opted for brevity, self-reference, and lightheartedness, moreover, his multivoiced “baroque” Orientalism proved a self-conscious parody of itself while caricaturing the biases of Chinese officialese at face value, thereby offering a corrective to the fallacies of cultural appropriation.

本次講座旨在通過一個具體的案例來探討文學作品通過不斷的翻譯和改寫來實現全球流通的有趣現象。具體言之,清代史官袁永綸於1830年在廣州出版了記錄嘉慶年間清廷剿滅華南海盜經過的《靖海氛記》一書。僅僅一年之後,德國漢學家紐曼便將該書翻譯成英文在倫敦出版。在1932年出版的《海盜史》一書中,英國通俗作家戈斯根據紐曼的譯本重新演繹了一段以海盜領袖鄭一嫂(張保仔之妻)為中心的異域故事。不久之後,阿根廷文學大師波赫士根據戈斯的版本進一步將鄭一嫂的傳奇經歷改寫成了他的著名短篇小說《女海盜金寡婦》。通過一種建立在極簡敘事, 自我指涉和趣味性之上的“巴羅克” 式的再創作,波赫士在嘲諷中國史官對挑戰帝國秩序者所帶有的意識形態偏見的同時也消解了“東方主義”敘事的嚴肅性,從而有效規避了文化挪用的諸多陷阱與風險。


Yunfei Bai is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Society of Fellows in the Humanities at the University of Hong Kong. A polyglot, he is broadly interested in the tangled relationship between translation/rewriting, nationalism, Orientalism, and the global dissemination of world literature under state regulation of the book market. His recent articles have appeared and are forthcoming in journals including Comparative Literature StudiesFrench ForumFrench Cultural StudiesRevue d’Études TibétainesArchiv orientálníChina Perspectives, and Translation Studies.

柏雲飛博士畢業于美國羅格斯大學,目前在香港大學文學院擔任博士後研究員。作為一名多語言者,他現階段主要關注文學作品如何通過翻譯和改寫來實現全球流通,以及相應傳播路徑與東方主義,民族主義,出版物審查制度等諸多意識形態因素之間錯綜複雜的關係。他最新的期刊文章付梓或即將見刊於Comparative Literature StudiesFrench ForumFrench Cultural StudiesRevue d’Études TibétainesArchiv orientálníChina Perspectives, 以及 Translation Studies.


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桃源:儀式與文化史Peach Spring: A Ritual and Cultural History

2020-21 School of Chinese Online Seminar

Peach Spring: A Ritual and Cultural History


Dr. Mark Meulenbeld


Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Date日期: May 12, 2021 (Wednesday)

Time時間: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Venue地點: via Zoom

Language演講語言: English英文

Zoom Meeting ID: 982 1570 5216

Password: 752767


Though long seen uniquely from the perspective of the Chinese literary canon, Tao Qian’s 陶潛 (365?-427) famous “Record of the Peach Blossom Spring” (“Taohuayuan ji” 桃花源記) may find an even more fruitful disciplinary home in religious studies. The story refers itself to a grotto at Wuling 武陵 (nowadays northern Hunan province, PRC), a site that has been associated with Daoist “transcendents” (shenxian 神仙) at least since the middle of the sixth century. An older Daoist monastery on that same site, the Peach Spring Abbey (Taoyuan guan 桃源觀) or Peach Blossom Abbey (Taohua guan 桃花觀), became officially recognized in 748 and received imperial support not long after. This article studies the long history of Peach Spring as a sacred site, or, as Tao Qian referred to it in his poem, a “divine realm” (shenjie 神界). It also discusses the living ritual tradition in Hunan that revolves around the female transcendents (“Immortal Mothers,” xianniang 仙娘) in the grotto, and the significance of all this for understanding the ways in which culture circulated before modernity.

陶潛(365? – 427)著名作品《桃花源記》長久以來多被視為一篇文學的經典;但今日若我們想要充分挖掘其價值,由宗教研究的方向取徑應更有發展潛力。陶潛的故事開篇即直指位於武陵(現湖南省北部)的一個洞室絕境,該地至少從六世紀中葉已經和道教的神仙信仰有所關聯。位於該地的古道觀桃源觀,又稱桃花觀,也於748年得到官方認可,並在不久之後就得到了宮廷的護持。本演講就作為道教聖地桃源(陶潛在《桃花源詩》中稱之為「神界」)的悠長歷史展開細緻的研究。其次,則考察圍繞在洞中所有女性神仙(「仙娘」)的活躍儀式傳統,以進一步了解古代文化傳播的基本流通渠道。


Mark Meulenbeld (MA, Leiden; PhD, Princeton) has held positions as instructor at Bryn Mawr College (2006 – 07), and as Assistant & Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007 – 17). Currently he teaches Chinese Religion at the HK Polytechnic University (2017 – ). He focuses on Daoism and its interaction with local cults (“folk religion”), especially from the perspective of ritual, divinity, narrative, and community. He studies “locality” (relating it to the “mainstream”), and combines text and practice through intensive fieldwork. His work focuses mostly on the Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644) and the modern period, often combining both.

梅林寶 (Mark Meulenbeld), 荷蘭萊頓大學漢學研究院碩士,美國普林斯頓大學東亞系博士。曾任教于布林莫爾學院 (2006 – 07)、威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校助理教授、副教授 (2007 – 17),現任香港理工大學中國文化學系副教授 (2017 – )。教學領域以中國宗教為主。研究集中在從儀式、神學、傳說、以及社會的面向解析道教與地方香火的互動關係。他的廣泛研究興趣在於地方傳統與文化主流的互動,並通過長期田野調查結合對文本與實踐的檢視。部分研究著眼於明代、當代現象,常常主張歷史現象與當代實踐之間的承續關係。

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中古時期中國與伊朗的關係Sino-Iranian Relations in the Medieval Period

2020-21 School of Chinese Online Seminar

Sino-Iranian Relations in the Medieval Period


Dr. Jeffrey Kotyk


University of British Columbia


Date日期: May 12, 2021 (Wednesday)

Time時間: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Venue地點: via Zoom

Language演講語言: English英文

Zoom Meeting ID: 982 1570 5216

Password: 752767


China and Sasanian Iran enjoyed a number of diplomatic exchanges in response to growing political expansions from the fifth to sixth centuries. The understanding of pre-Islamic Iran and its influences on Chinese civilization are not so widely studied or understood. This paper will examine the diplomatic contacts between Iran and China, as well as the contacts between the caliphates and China during the Tang dynasty. We will further examine Chinese accounts of the Iranian calendar, economy and culture. I argue that Iran exercised a significant historical and cultural influence on China, but also that Chinese sources can provide rich information about contemporary Iran.




Jeffrey is presently researching the relationship of China and Iran during the medieval period with a particular interest in diplomatic, economic and religious relations. This research compares and contrasts a variety of sources, from dynastic histories to the Buddhist canon.

康傑夫(Jeffrey Kotyk)目前主要致力於研究中古時期中國和伊朗的關係問題。主要關注於兩者的外交、經濟和宗教關係等領域。本文主要對正史和佛典中的大量文獻進行了比照和分析。

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墨家光學與天志Mohist Optics and the Will Heaven

2020-21 School of Chinese Online Seminar


Mohist Optics and the Will Heaven


Dr. Boqun Zhou


Tsinghua University

日期Date: May 10, 2021 (Monday)

時間Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

地點Venue: via Zoom

演講語言Language: 普通話Putonghua

Zoom Meeting ID: 943 0278 0557

Password: 247022



It is well-known that in Mohist philosophy the “three gnomons” is an important epistemological metaphor for the correct standards of valid arguments. The metaphorical meaning of the gnomon comes from a technique known as the “shadow method” based on the gnomon’s optical function, namely to establish due east and west by observing gnomon shadows at dusk and dawn. I argue that there is also an overlooked, implicit aspect of the gnomon metaphor that comes from another of its optical functions – measuring the height of heaven indirectly through proportional calculation. The method of indirect measurement inspires a strategy of argumentation in Mohist ethics, which involves a series of parallel cases arranged proportionally from the small scale to the large scale. Such a strategy, which I call “analogical upscaling,” helps to determine the content of the Will of Heaven in a particular circumstance, just as the gnomon measures heaven’s physical height. In the end, I shall also examine the logical structure of the optics section in the Mohist Canon.



Boqun Zhou is a postdoctoral fellow in the Tsinghua-Michigan Society of Fellow. He earned his doctorate at the University of Chicago in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. His research interests range across ancient Chinese intellectual history, history of science and technology, and excavated bamboo manuscripts, with particular emphasis on how classical thinkers utilize technological metaphors in their ethical and political theories. He is currently working on his book manuscript, The Mechanical Mind: Metaphor, Body, and Technology in Early China, as well as an annotated translation of six manuscripts from the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips.

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隱身術的威力:道教與中國白話小說對一位軍事女神的塑造The Power of Invisibility: The Making of a Martial Goddess in Daoism and Chinese Vernacular Fiction

2020-21 School of Chinese Online Seminar

The Power of Invisibility:

The Making of a Martial Goddess in Daoism and Chinese Vernacular Fiction


Dr. Peng Liu


Rutgers University


Date日期: May 10, 2021 (Monday)

Time時間: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Venue地點: via Zoom

Language演講語言: English英文

Zoom Meeting ID: 943 0278 0557

Password: 247022


Concealing a hero’s body and helping him defeat enemies, the Mysterious Woman of the Nine Heavens is a powerful goddess in Daoism and Chinese vernacular fiction. Her divine power and military wisdom invite us to investigate her identity and the process of her creation. In this talk, Dr. Liu takes an interdisciplinary approach to these issues, using textual and visual evidence to show how Daoism and the Ming (1368–1644) novel Water Margin perpetuated the Mysterious Woman’s role as a warrior protectress. As Dr. Liu shows, during the Tang and Song periods, a set of Daoist texts strengthened her role as a warrior protectress by giving prominence to her magic of concealing the body and to magic concerning the worship of the Northern Dipper; a Daoist ordination ceremony in the Ming imperial court elevated her status and turned her into a tutelary goddess of the state; against this background, Water Margin popularized esoteric Daoist knowledge pertaining to the Mysterious Woman, making this female divinity’s story accessible to common readers and preventing her from falling into oblivion.



Peng Liu is an assistant teaching professor in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Rutgers University. Dr. Liu received his first doctorate in Buddhism and Medieval Chinese Literature from Fudan University and his second doctorate in East Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University. His current book project investigates how late imperial Chinese fiction popularized Daoist goddess cults that would otherwise have been marginalized or forgotten.


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左思《詠史》研究新視角New Perspectives of Studies on Zuo Si’s “Poems on History”

2020-21 School of Chinese Online Seminar

New Perspectives of Studies on Zuo Si’s “Poems on History”

Dr. Zhang Yue
University of Macau

日期Date: May 14, 2021 (Friday)
時間Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
地點Venue: via Zoom
演講語言Language: 普通話Putonghua
Zoom Meeting ID: 927 4049 8537
Password: 144648


Zuo Si’s (ca. 250–305) “Poems on History” (“Yongshi”) have often been regarded as a milestone in the development of the yongshi subgenre of Chinese poetry. Scholars have noted Zuo’s poems break from the yongshi norms, which usually mimic historical narration and conclude with a moral assessment; instead, they articulate his personal emotions and ambitions to criticize his contemporary political hierarchy. Scholars have also recognized Zuo’s poems as representing an alternative to the ornamental style of poetry popular in his time. To deepen the extant research, this talk will re-interpret these poems using the perspectives of cultural memory and reception studies to answer some key questions: Aside from praising historical figures and articulating his emotions, what other purposes does Zuo Si aim to achieve? What approaches does he adopt to deal with historical figures? Why does he choose to retain certain details and omit others, and consequently how do these adaptations influence later writings? This talk reveals the complexity of Zuo’s appropriation of earlier cultural sources, and broadens our understanding both of the significance of his “Yongshi” and how history is disseminated through poetry.


Zhang Yue (Ph.D. from the University of Toronto) is Associate Professor and Graduate Programme Coordinator in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the University of Macau. Prior to this position, he was Associate Professor at Valparaiso University in the U.S. Professor Zhang’s research focuses on classical Chinese literature, specifically the poetry of the Six Dynasties (220–589) and recent developments in Sinology. In these fields, he has published more than 30 articles in Chinese and English, and has three books published or forthcoming by the State University of New York Press, Fudan University Press, and Beijing University Press.

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《冥報記》中的敘事認知與社交網絡Narrative Epistemology and Social Networks in the Record of Miraculous Recompense

2020-21 School of Chinese Online Seminar

Narrative Epistemology and Social Networks in the Record of Miraculous Recompense

Dr. Manling Luo
Indiana University

日期Date: May 14, 2021 (Friday)
時間Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
地點Venue: via Zoom
演講語言Language: 普通話Putonghua
Zoom Meeting ID: 927 4049 8537
Password: 144648

這個演講討論唐臨(約602–約661)編纂的《冥報記》裡的副文本 ,即故事集的序言與單個故事的後記。佛教靈驗故事集主要被用於討論中國佛教或宗教文化的發展,文學研究的學者較少關注,因爲這些故事顯得粗糙而重複。我分析副文本而非故事本身來揭示唐臨的敘事認知(他對自己作爲故事講述者的準則與方法的明確與潛在的觀點)與他眼中的社交網絡,以探討中古時期的故事講述作爲一種日常文化如何與宗教文化相交叉。

This talk examines the paratexts in the Record of Miraculous Recompense compiled by Tang Lin (ca. 602–ca. 661), that is, the preface to the collection and epilogues to individual stories. Medieval Buddhist miracle tales have been studied for insights into the development of Chinese Buddhism in particular and religious culture in general. They have received little attention, however, from literary scholars, who tend to judge them as artistically crude and formulaic. Rather than the stories proper, I dissect the paratexts to show Tang Lin’s narrative epistemology (explicit and implicit views of his criteria and methods as a storyteller) and social networks as represented by him. The analysis explores how the medieval culture of informal storytelling intersected with religious culture.


Manling Luo is Associate Professor of Chinese Literature at Indiana University. Her research interests include the social life of narratives, literati culture, gender, and religious literature. Her first monograph is entitled Literati Storytelling in Late Medieval China (University of Washington Press, 2015). She has also published a range of research articles in English and Chinese.

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中國古典文學中的雄性蜜蜂The Masculine Bee in Classical Chinese Literature

2020-21 School of Chinese Online Seminar

The Masculine Bee in Classical Chinese Literature

Professor Olivia Milburn
Seoul National University

Date日期: May 11, 2021 (Tuesday)
Time時間: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Venue地點: via Zoom
Language演講語言: English英文
Zoom Meeting ID: 928 5978 7654
Password: 099410

From antiquity to the present day, the products of honeybees are crucial to many industries and aspects of human life. As a result, honeybees have been the subject of intense study and interest, but this has not necessarily served to advance understanding about lifecycle of these insects. Bees are in fact eusocial insects, divided into three castes: queens, drones, and workers. As with other eusocial creatures, all castes have to be present for the colony as a whole to survive. However, in China, from the Jin dynasty onwards, literature about honeybees stressed that all bees were male. Observers had noted egg-laying and mating behavior, but in poetry and prose Chinese literati continued to write about bees as male insects, living in an ideal patriarchal society without any female involvement. This paper will explore literary representations of “king bees” (fengwang) / queens; “prime minister” (xiangfeng) or “general bees” (jiangfeng) / drones; and “vassal bees” (fengchen) / workers to show how these insects were used to idealize a militarized patriarchal society. However, some writers found such representations profoundly alienating, and instead turned to Buddhist images, where honeybees were an allegory for study and effort.


Olivia Milburn is currently Professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Seoul National University. Her major publications include a study of the history of the kingdom of Wu, and gazetteers for the city of Suzhou. In addition, she has translated a number of classical Chinese works into English, such as the Yuejue shu and Yanzi chunqiu. Her translations from contemporary Chinese literature include novels by Mai Jia, Feng Jicai, Jiang Zilong, and Fang Fang. Olivia Milburn’s research concentrates on the history and culture of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and also literary presentations of marginalized people.


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