Dr. CHENG Ngai Lai 鄭雅麗博士
- Lecturer
- BA, CertEd, MA, MPhil (HK), MA, PhD (Montreal)
- 852-39171952
- 852-28581334
- Rm 949, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
- nlcheng@hku.hk
鄭雅麗博士,翻譯學講師,1998年開始在香港大學中文學院執教,此前曾在加拿大滿地可大學和新加坡南洋理工大學執教近十年。鄭博士發表學術論文近五十篇,其代表性翻譯作品為《英譯散文集錢鐘書《寫在人生邊上》The Marginalia of Life﹝2003年,北京三聯出版社﹞;《英漢修辭互譯導引》﹝2004年,暨南大學出版社,榮獲2005年度中南地區大學出版社優秀專著一等獎﹞;英譯傳記高耀潔《高潔的靈魂》The Soul of Gao Yaojie﹝2011年,香港明報出版社﹞。其目前的主要研究課題包括:1)翻譯學與英語教學;2)翻譯金融詞彙。其講授本科課程包括CHIN2331“語義翻譯學”及CHIN2356“修辭翻譯學”。曾任有關研究領域MPhil和PhD論文導師。
Dr Cheng Ngai-lai is currently lecturer in translation. She joined the School of Chinese at HKU in 1998 as assistant professor in translation. She was previously tutor in linguistics in the Department of Philology and Translation, University of Montreal, Canada, and assistant professor in linguistics and translation in the Department of Modern Cultures and Languages, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr Cheng has published close to fifty articles in academic journals. Her representative publications include the English version of Qian Zhongshu’s 《寫在人生邊上》 The Marginalia of Life, 《英漢修辭互譯導引》(which won a First-Class Prize―Central and Southern China―awarded by the Association of Chinese University Presses in 2005), the English version of 《高潔的靈魂》The Soul of Gao Yaojie and the English version of Dominic Yip and C. To’s 《愛在村莊孩子的心裡》Love at the Hearts of Rural Kids. She teaches undergraduate courses CHIN2331 “Choice of Words” and CHIN2356 “Stylistics and Translation”. Her current subjects of interest are: 1) translation and English language teaching; 2) translating financial terminology. Previously she supervised MPhil and PhD theses in her areas of expertise.
代表性著述Selected Publications:
- 2012,Love in the Hearts of Rural Kids. Hong Kong: Economic Times Press. (sole-translator)
- 2011, The Soul of Gao Yaojie: A Memoir. Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publications Limited, 591 pp. (sole-translator)
- 2006,《薄海扶林》. Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, 111 pp. (sole-author)
- 2004,《英漢修辭互譯導引》. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press, 276 pp. (sole-author)
- 2003, The Marginalia of Life. Beijing: Joint Publishing (Beijing) Co. Ltd, 141 pp. (sole-translator)
- 2003, 《快樂王子:雷斯勒斯》. Beijing: Peking University Press, 139 pp. (sole-translator)
- 2001,《午後推門》. Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Limited, 99 pp. (co-author)
- 2000, Translating Literary Texts: Theory and Practice. Hong Kong: Department of Chinese, the University of Hong Kong, 304 pp. (sole-editor)
- 1998,《閱讀指導:研究與應用》. Singapore: SNP Publishing Pte. Ltd., 133 pp. (sole-editor)