Dr. Lucas KLEIN 柯夏智博士
- Associate Professor
- BA (Middlebury), MA, MPhil, PhD (Yale)
- 852-39172748
- 852-28581334
- Rm 817, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
- lklein@hku.hk
- https://hku-hk.academia.edu/LucasKlein
- http://xichuanpoetry.com/
Lucas Klein(柯夏智)本科畢業於美國明德大學(Middlebury College)中文系,2010年獲耶魯大學東亞語言及文學系博士學位,現為香港大學中文學院助理教授。柯夏智博士2008年參與合編了埃玆拉•龐德和厄内斯特•弗諾羅塞的著作 The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition 並由Fordham University Press出版;2011年與美國詩人 Clayton Eshleman 合譯出版北島詩歌選集,並連續兩年擔任香港國際詩歌之夜活動的英文翻譯編輯工作;2012年其翻譯並由美國新方向(New Directions)出版社出版的西川詩選《蚊子志》(Notes on the Mosquito)被美國最佳翻譯書籍大獎題名,並獲得了Lucien Stryk亞洲文藝翻譯大獎。柯夏智博士目前正在從事晚唐詩人李商隱以及當代詩人芒克的翻譯工作。
Lucas Klein, writer, translator, and editor, came to the School of Chinese in 2013 from City University of Hong Kong. A graduate of Middlebury College (BA) and Yale University (PhD), with Haun Saussy and Jonathan Stalling he edited The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition, by Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound (Fordham University Press, 2008), and with Clayton Eshleman he co-translated Endure, a collection of Bei Dao 北島 poems (Black Widow Press, 2011). His translation Notes on the Mosquito: Selected Poems of Xi Chuan 西川 (New Directions, 2012) won the 2013 Lucien Stryk Prize for Asian poetry in translation and was shortlisted for the Best Translated Book Award in poetry (for more, see http://xichuanpoetry.com). He is at work translating Tang dynasty poet Li Shangyin 李商隱 and seminal contemporary poet Mang Ke 芒克.
代表性著述 Selected Publications:
- The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature in Translation, edited with Cosima Bruno and Chris Song 宋子江, eds. London: Bloomsbury, under contract.
- Words as Grains: New & Selected Poems by Duo Duo 多多. New Haven: Yale University Press, forthcoming 2021.
- “Frankenstein vs. Dracula: Romanticisms and the Ideologies of Poetry in Contemporary China.” In Imagining Communities: Reading Contemporary China Against the Grain, edited by Carlos Rojas and Mei-hwa Song, 41–58. New York: Routledge, 2020.
- Chinese Poetry and Translation: Rights and Wrongs, edited with Maghiel van Crevel. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019.
- “Mediation Is Our Authenticity: Dagong Poetry and the Shijing in Translation.” In Chinese Poetry and Translation: Rights and Wrongs, edited by Maghiel van Crevel and Lucas Klein, 201–222. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019.
- 2018, “Silences, Whispers, & the Figure of China: Translation Anxiety in Contemporary American Poetry.” Genre 51, no. 3 (December): 267–293.
- 2018, “One Part in Concert, and One Part Repellence: Liu Waitong, Cao Shuying, and the Question of Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese Sinophones.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 30, no. 2 (Fall): 141–172.
- 2018, “Our Daily Bread.” Metamorphoses: A Journal of Literary Translation 26, no. 1 (Fall): 14-20.
- 2018, The Organization of Distance: Poetry, Translation, Chineseness. Leiden: Brill.
- 2018, Li Shangyin 李商隱. Edited by Chloe Garcia Roberts. Translated by Chloe Garcia Roberts, A.C. Graham, and Lucas Klein. New York: New York Review Books.
- 2018, October Dedications 十月的献诗, selected poems of Mang Ke 芒克. Brookline: Zephyr; Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
- 2017–2018, “Strong and Weak Interpretations in Translating Chinese Poetry,” Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 14, no. 2 – 15, no. 1 (Winter–Summer): 7–43.
- 2017, “Reading and Speaking for Translation: De-Institutionalizing the Institutions of Literary Study.” In Futures of Comparative Literature, edited by Ursula K. Heise, Dudley Andrew, Alexander Beecroft, Jessica Berman, David Damrosch, Guillermina De Ferrari, César Domínguez, Barbara Harlow, and Eric Hayot, 215–19. London: Routledge.
- 2017, “1976, April 4: Poems from Underground.” In A New Literary History of Modern China, edited by David Der-wei Wang. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
- 2016, “Pseudo-Pseudotranslation: On the Potential for Footnotes in Translating Li Shangyin.” Journal of Oriental Studies 49, no. 1 (Fall): 49–72.
- 2016, “Dislocating Language into Meaning: Difficult Anglophone Poetry and Chinese Poetics in Translation—Toward a Culturally Translatable Li Shangyin.” Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures 70, no. 3 (September): 133–42.
- 2016, “Tribunals of Erudition and Taste: Or, Why Translations of Premodern Chinese Poetry Are Having a Moment Right Now.” Los Angeles Review of Books, July 14.
- 2016, “Same Difference: Xi Chuan’s Notes on the Mosquito and the Translation of Poetry, Prose Poetry, & Prose.” Translation Review, 93, no. 1 (March): 41-50.
- 2016, “A Dissonance of Discourses: Literary Theory, Ideology, and Translation in Mo Yan and Chinese Literary Studies.” Comparative Literature Studies 53, no. 1: 170-197.
- 2015, Hong Kong Night香港之夜. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. Translator, with Chris Song 宋子江.
- 2015, Poetry and Conflict 詩歌與衝突 (anthology plus twenty-one-volume set). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. Editor (Chinese – English translations), with Bei Dao, Shelby Chan, Gilbert Fong, Christopher Mattison, and Chris Song.
- 2015, “Alors, La Chinoiserie? The Figure of China in Theorizations of World Literature.” Literature Compass, Twenty-First Century “Chinoiserie”, 12, no. 8 (August 1): 414–427.
- 2014, 注释出历史的缺失——‘国际风格’、现代主义与西川诗歌里的世界文学 [Annotating the Aporias of History: “The International Style,” Modernism & World Literature in the Poetry of Xi Chuan]. Translated by Jiang Chengzhi 江承志. Jianghan Academic 江汉学术 33, no. 5 (October): 41–50.
- 2014, “Not Altogether an Illusion: Translation and Translucence in the Work of Burton Watson,” in World Literature Today 88, no. 3 (May – August): 57–60.
- 2013, “Indic Echoes: Form, Content, & World Literature in Tang Dynasty Regulated Verse,” in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, and Reviews (CLEAR) 35 (December): 59-96.
- 2013, Islands or Continents 島嶼或大陸 (anthology plus eighteen-volume set). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. Editor (Chinese – English translations), with Bei Dao, Shelby Chan, Gilbert Fong, and Christopher Mattison.
- 2013, “Circumcised or Cannibalized: Une vie de boy in Chinese Translation,” in “An African Classic in Twelve Translations” feature on translations of Ferdinand Oyono’s 1956 novel for PMLA 128.1 (January), pp. 133-41.
- 2012, Notes on the Mosquito: Selected Poems by Xi Chuan. New York: New Directions. Translator.
- 2012, “The Self is That Which Gets Lost in Translation: A Sociolinguistic View of Chinese Poetry Translation Through Modernity & Parataxis,” in Forum for World Literature Studies, vol. 4, no. 1 (April), pp. 177 – 197.
- 2011, Words & the World 詞與世界 (anthology plus twenty-volume set). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. Editor (Chinese – English translations), with Gilbert Fong, Shelby Chan, Amy Ho Kit Yin, and Bei Dao.
- 2011, Endure: Selected Poems by Bei Dao. Boston: Black Widow Press. Translator, with Clayton Eshleman.
- 2008, Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound, The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry, A Critical Edition. New York: Fordham University Press. Editor, with Jonathan Stalling and Haun Saussy.