Dr. SONG Gang 宋剛博士

  • Associate Professor
  • BA & MA (PKU), PhD (USC)
  • 852-39177921
  • 852-28581334
  • Rm 811, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
  • songg@hku.hk


Dr Song Gang joined the University of Hong Kong in 2008. He is now Associate Professor of Chinese History in the School of Chinese. Previously he taught Chinese history and culture at the University of California (Irvine) and Lafayette College. Dr Song has broad interests in cultural exchanges between China and the West in history, Chinese religions, and Confucian intellectual history, while his research focuses on Catholic Christianity in late imperial China. He has published a monograph on Christian-Confucian dialogism in late Ming China, two edited volumes on the Christian intersection of China and the West in the modern era, and a number of academic articles both in English and in Chinese. The projects that he is currently working on include Chinese Marian devotions in the 17th century (General Research Fund), early Catholic bible translations in China (Hsu Long Sing Fund), and China’s encounters with the West from 1600 to 1900 (Louis Cha Fund). Dr Song teaches the following courses: Topical Studies of Chinese History (CHIN1201), Folklore and Modern Chinese Culture (CHIN1213, HKU-PKU Summer Course), History of China-West Cultural Exchanges (CHIN2268), Ideas and Images of the West in Late Imperial China (CCCH9004, HKU Common Core Course), and Lecture Series: New Perspectives in Research on Chinese Literature and History (CHIN7801, HKU-PKU Postgraduate Summer Course). In addition, he supervises postgraduates (MPhil and PhD) who conduct research on history of Christianity in imperial and modern China.

代表性著述 Selected Publications:



  • Giulio Aleni, Kouduo richao, and Christian-Confucian Dialogism in Late Ming Fujian (艾儒略、「口鐸日抄」及晚明福建的耶儒對話主義), Monumenta Serica Monograph Series LXIX. Abingdon, Oxon – New York: Routledge, 2018.

Edited volumes

  • Reshaping the Boundaries: The Christian Intersection of China and the West in the Modern Era. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, 2016.
  • Chuanbo, shuxie yu xiangxiang: Ming-Qing wenhua shiye zhong de Xifang 傳播、書寫與想像:明清文化視野中的西方 (Transmission, Writing, and Imagination: The West in Late Imperial Chinese Culture), Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2019.

Journal Articles:

  • “The Many Faces of Our Lady: Chinese Encounters with the Virgin Mary between7th and 17th Centuries,” Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies 66 (2018), issue 2, 303-356.
  • “Wan-Ming Fujian guanyu linghun de Ye-Ru duitan 晚明福建關於靈魂的耶儒對談 (Jesuit-Confucian Dialogues on the Soul in Late Ming Fujian).” 西學東漸研究 • 第七輯 (Studies on Western Learning in China, Series 7), Beijing: Commercial Press, 2018, 173-190.
  • “Xiao renwu de da lishi: Qingchu Sichuan Tianzhu jiaotu Xu Ruohan ge’an yanjiu de qishi 小人物的大歷史:清初四川天主教徒徐若翰個案研究的啟示 (Small Figure, Big History: A Study on Johan Su, an Early Qing Sichuan Catholic Convert),” Guoji hanxue 國際漢學 (International Sinology), 10 (2017), 30-57.
  • “Benyi yu tuyu zhijian: Qingdai Yesuhui shi He Qingtai de Shengjing hanyi ji quanshi ‘本意’與‘土語’之間:清代耶穌會士賀清泰的《聖經》漢譯及詮釋(Between ‘Original Meaning’ and ‘Vernacular Language’: The Translation of the Bible and Exegesis of the Jesuit Louis de Poirot during the Mid-Qing Period),” Guoji hanxue 國際漢學 (International Sinology), 5 (2015), 23-49.
  • “Trying the Different Yang Taste: Western Cuisine in Late-Qing Shanghai and Hong Kong.” Journal of Oriental Studies (University of Hong Kong & Stanford University), 45 (Special Edition, 2013): 45-66.
  • “Cong jingdian dao tongsu: Tianzhu jiangsheng yanxing jilüe ji qi Qingdai gaibianben de liubian 從經典到通俗:《天主降生言行紀畧》及其清代改編本的流變 (From Sacred Scripture to Popular Narrative: Tianzhu jiangsheng yanxing jilüe and Its Later Adaptations in Qing China).” Tianzhujiao yanjiu xuebao 天主教研究學報 (Journal of Catholic Studies), 2 (2011): 208-260.
  • “Learned Conversations on the Heavenly Studies: Andrzej Rudomina and His Mission in Late Ming Fujian.” Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies 59 (2011): 445-464.
  • “Dialogic Construction of the Mind: Christian-Confucian Spiritual Life in Late Ming Fujian.” The Journal of Oriental Studies (University of Hong Kong & Stanford University), 42 (2009): 29-54.

Book Chapters:

  • “Re-locating the ‘Middle Kingdom’: A Seventeenth-Century Chinese Adaptation of Matteo Ricci’s World Map.” In Mapping Asia: Cartographic Encounters Between East and West, edited by Martijn Storms, Mario Cams, Imre Josef Demhardt, and Ferjan Ormeling, 185-206. Basel (Switzerland): Springer International Publishing AG, 2018.
  • “Yangzi yu hanwen zhijian: Guli, Xin Yizhao Shengjing ji Qingdai ruhua Dongzhengjiao de yijing huodong 洋字與漢文之間:固理、《新遺詔聖經》及清代入華東正教的譯經活動 (Between Foreign Letters and Chinese Scripts: Gury, New Testament, and Orthodox Bible Translation in Qing China).” In You wen ru yi: Zhong-Xi kua wenhua shuxie 由文入藝:中西跨文化書寫 (From Literature to the Arts: Cross-Cultural Writing in China and the West), edited by Sun Shaoyi 孫紹誼 and Chou Shiuh-huah周序樺, 199-222. Taipei: Bookman Books, Ltd., 2017.
  • “Weiceng kanxing de ‘bu kan zhi dian’: Qing zhongqianqi Tianzhujiao hanyi Shengjing wenxian erzhong kaoshi 未曾刊行的 ‘不刊之典’:清中前期天主教漢譯《聖經》文獻二種考釋 (Unpublished ‘Classics’: A Study on Two Biblical Translations in Mid-Qing China).” In Zongjiao yu lishi: Hanyu wenxian yu Zhongguo Jidujiao yanjiu 宗教與歷史:漢語文獻與中國基督教研究 (Religion and History: Chinese Documents and Studies on Chinese Christianity), edited by Tao Feiya 陶飛亞 and Yang Weihua 楊衛華, 230-274. Shanghai: Shanghai daxue chubanshe, 2016.
  • “Jiyao yu bense zhijian: Jia Yuming, Wang Mingdao yu Ni Tuosheng sixiang bijiao chuyi 基要與本色之間:賈玉明、王明道與倪柝聲思想比較芻議 (Between Fundamentalism and Localization: A Comparative Study on Theological Thoughts of Jia Yuming, Wang Mingdao and Ni Tuosheng).” In Busi jiu bushing 不死就不生 (No Death, No Rebirth), edited by Lin Shih-hao 林四皓 and Chou Fu-chu 周復初, 336-359. Taipei: CCLM Publishing Group Ltd., 2012.
  • “The Other under a Chinese Heaven: Image of France in Late Ming and Early Qing Writings.” In Images de la France en Chine sous la dynastie des Qing, 1644-1911, edited by Lu Jin, 27-46. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2009.
  • “Between Bodhisattva and Christian Deity: Guanyin and the Virgin Mary in Late Ming China.” In The Constant and Changing Faces of the Goddess: Goddess Traditions of Asia, edited by Deepak Shimkhada and Phyllis K. Herman, 101-120. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2008.
  • “Mapping of an Acentric World: Ferdinand Verbiest’s Kunyu quantu” (co-authored with Paola Demattè). In China on Paper: European and Chinese Works from the Late Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century, edited by Marcia Reed and Paola Demattè, 71-87. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2007.