Mr. POON Hon Kwong Joseph 潘漢光先生
- Associate Professor
- BA, MPhil (HK)
- 852-39177920
- 852-28581334
- Rm 824, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Joseph Hon Kwong POON received his BA and MPhil from the University of Hong Kong. He had studied for a DPhil at Oxford University for a couple of years before returning to HKU in 1989 and began his teaching career. At the School of Chinese, he is now Associate Professor in Translation, Programme Director of MA in Translation, Chairman of Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee, and member of the School Management and Development Committee. He teaches mainly Translation, specializes and has published on literary translation, classical literature, literary criticism and language education.
At HKU, Mr Poon has taken up a great deal of administrative duties over the years from University to Faculty and to School levels. They include: various Search Committees, Committee on Discontinuation, Faculty Admissions Committee, Faculty Budget and Planning Committee, and Higher Arts Degrees Committee; and at the School level, the School Management and Development Committee and the Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee.
Mr Poon received a Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award a few years ago to work on a bi-lingual mental healthcare web-site. He is at present working closely with his colleagues in the School of English to produce a research paper.
Mr Poon is active in the local translation scene, being a Vice-President of the Hong Kong Translation Society, and founding editor of its academic journal the Translation Quarterly. For more than two decades now, he has been an adjudicator for all translation competitions in Hong Kong. For other local institutes, Mr Poon has served in the Review Panel for their Translation programmes. They include Baptist, Lingnan, and HKUSPACE. Currently, he is serving a second 3-year appointment as External Examiner for CUHK (Shenzhen)’s MA in Translation. And for numerous times, Mr Poon has been External Examiner for MPhil and PhD theses of other local universities.
Over the years Mr Poon has successfully supervised a great number of research students. Most of them are now teachers of higher education institutes, notably they include two professors.
Selected Publications:
- “翻譯與世變” , 《現代教育通訊》, 17 (3/1990), pp. 70-73.
- “The Severest Mode of Discourse: An Investigation of Ye Xie on Wang Wan”, in John C Y Wang (ed.), Chinese Literary Criticism of the Ch’ing Period (1644-1911). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1993, pp. 37-46.
- A Chinese-English Glossary of the Basic Law (ed.). Hong Kong: Department of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 1993.
- Contemporary Chinese Oil Paintings [Chinese-English translation]. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Museum and Art Gallery, 1995.
- 〈好了歌譯好了沒有 – 翻譯中的文化思考〉. 《翻譯季刊》, Vols. 11 & 12 (1999), pp. 173-189.
- 〈笑中有話:一首諧趣詩的再生過程〉. In Ngai-lai Cheng (ed.), Translating Literary Texts: Theory and Practice. Hong Kong: Department of Chinese, HKU, 2000, pp. 183-199.
- 《莎劇精選》. 香港: 商務印書館, 2001.
- 〈現代漢語與英漢翻譯教學〉, in 《翻譯教學研討會論文集》. 香港: 香港中文大學翻譯系, 2002, pp. 340-357.
- “Literature and the Confucian Way in Wang Fuzhi’s Literary Criticism”, in Sin Chow Yiu, Lee Cheuk Yin, & Wong Yoon Wah (eds.), East-West Studies: Tradition, Transformation and Innovation. Singapore: The Centre for the Arts, National University of Singapore, 2004, pp. 343-359.
- “The Importation of Foreign Concepts into the Chinese Language: A Proposal of Some Draft Guidelines for Making the Process More Sustainable”. Chinese Language Review, No. 82 (October 2005), pp.48-55.
- 〈王夫之詩經學中的詩學與經學〉.《第六屆詩經國際學術研討會論文集》. 中國詩經過學會編. 北京: 學苑出版社, 2005, pp. 443-455.
- 〈離婚中紹興方言詞翻譯規範探析〉 [合著者: 汪寶榮]. 《紹興文理學院學報》, 2007: 6, pp. 68-73.
- 〈規矩與方圓 – 文學作品方言翻譯初探〉. 《香港大學中文學院八十周年紀念學術論文集》. 上海:上海古籍出版社, 2009, pp.501-508.
- “What’s in a Name? – Seventy Years of Saying Shakespeare in Chinese”, Myriad Streams Maketh the Ocean: New Currents in Chinese Studies. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, 2013, pp. 329-340.
- “Darling Buds of Ming: Three Sisters in Early 17th-Century China”. Bulletin of Ming-Qing Studies, Volume XII (June 2017), pp. 373 – 390.
- 〈何紹基《九月二十日潘德輿招飲海山仙館即事有作》書後〉 (Notes on a Set of Poems by He Shaoji on His Visit of the Haishan Xianguan in 1849),《文學論論衡》(Journal of Chinese Literary Studies),2017 年 6月,頁 85-88。
Major conference papers (all in English):
- “Philosophical Foundations of Wang Fuzhi’s Literary Criticism”. Annual General Meeting of the British Association for Chinese Studies. Wadham College, Oxford University, 18 September 1988.
- “On Government Service: Translating into Official Chinese in Hong Kong”. Symposium on Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future. Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999.
- “Darling Buds of Ming: Three Sisters in Early Seventeenth-Century China”. An Interdisciplinary Conference: Perceptions of Gentility in Chinese Literature and History. University of Durham, UK, 21-23 March 2002.
- “The Translator Working with the Theorist in the Novelist: David Lodge in Chinese”. Translating China: Constructing Alternative Modernities. Tsinghua University, Beijing, 20-22 November 2009
- “Be Not Afraid of Greatness: Shakespeare Under Lu Xun’s Eyes”. New England Association for Asian Studies Conference. Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts, 11-12 October 2013.
- “The Theory and Practice of the Translated Academic Novel in China”, Critical Theory Today. City University of New York, 5-6 May 2016.
- “Translation as Method: Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Language Teaching”. The 4th International School Chinese Language Conference. I-Shou University, Taiwan, 3 – 5 November 2016.