Dr. SI Chung Mou 施仲謀博士
- Head of the School of Chinese
- BA, MA, DipEd (CUHK), MPhil (HKBC), PhD (BNU)
- 852-39172742
- 852-28581334
- Rm 804, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
- cmsi@hku.hk
- http://www.hku.hk/chinese
- http://web.hku.hk/~cmsi
- http://www.hku.hk/cculture
施仲謀博士,香港大學中文學院主任。研究範圍以漢語語言學、國際漢語教學及中華文化為主。專著有《語言與文化》、《廣州音北京音對應手冊》等十多種,分別於內地、台灣、香港及日本等地出版。曾任香港大學文學院副院長,香港中文教育學會會長及香港中國研究生會創會會長; 現兼任世界漢語教學學會常務理事,全國中語會學術委員及語文現代化學會顧問等職務。
Dr. Si Chung Mou, Head of the School of Chinese at The University of Hong Kong. His main research fields are Chinese linguistics, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and Chinese culture. He is author of a dozen of academic books published in P.R.C., Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan, including Language and Culture, A Comparative Study of the Phonology in Yue Dialect and Modern Standard Chinese. Dr. Si had been served as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts at The University of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Hong Kong Association for Chinese Language in Education, and Founding President of the Hong Kong Association for China Graduates. He is now Executive Committee Member of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Member of the Academic Committee of the China Education Association for Language Teaching, and Honorary Committee Member of the Association for Chinese Language Modernization, P.R.C.
代表性著述 Selected Publications:
- 2013, 《語言與文化》, (香港: 中華書局), 297頁.
- 2011, Introduction to Chinese Culture, (Beijing: Peking University Press), 203 pp.
- 2010, 《成語典故解讀》, (台北: 文史哲出版社), 250頁.
- 2010, 《中華文化擷英》, (北京: 北京大學出版社), 上、下冊, 540頁.
- 2009, 《朗誦教與學》, (香港: 中華書局), 159頁.
- 2008, 《紅樓夢詩詞釋義》, (台北: 文史哲出版社), 139頁.
- 2005, 《語言教學與研究》, (北京: 北京大學出版社), 250頁.
- 2001, 《廣州音北京音對應手冊》, (廣州: 暨南大學出版社), 191頁.
- 2001, A Japanese-Cantonese Dictionary, (Tokyo: The Oriental Press), 453 pp.
- 1997, 《普通話教學理論與實踐》, (香港: 廣角鏡出版社), 251頁.
- 1996, 《中國內地、台灣、香港、澳門語文能力測試與比較》, (北京: 語文出版社), 211頁.
- 1992, 《延壽與禪宗》, (香港: 文化教育出版社), 83頁.
- Head of the School of Chinese
- BA, MA, DipEd (CUHK), MPhil (HKBC), PhD (BNU)
- 852-39172742
- 852-28581334
- cmsi@hku.hk
Office: 801, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
施仲謀博士,香港大學中文學院主任。研究範圍以漢語語言學、國際漢語教學及中華文化為主。專著有《語言與文化》、《廣州音北京音對應手冊》等十多種,分別於內地、台灣、香港及日本等地出版。曾任香港大學文學院副院長,美國明德大學訪問學人,香港中文教育學會會長及香港中國研究生會創會會長; 現兼任中南大學客座教授,世界漢語教學學會常務理事,全國中語會學術委員,香港中國研究生會常務顧問及語文現代化學會顧問等職務。
Selected Publications: