Dr. TSE Yiu Kay 謝耀基博士
- Associate Professor
- BA, MPhil, PhD, CertEd (HK)
- 852-39172747
- 852-28581334
- Rm 816, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
- yktse@hku.hk
Dr YK Tse, Associate Professor, teaches Chinese language and literature courses in the School of Chinese. His research interests in recent years include the modern Chinese (grammar, lexicology and rhetoric), language from social and cultural perspectives, and lexical studies on classical works. He has undertaken a number of funded research projects, and his research outcomes have been produced in form of conference paper, journal article, book chapter, book and CD rom. Dr Tse has also been the supervisor and examiner of MPhil and PhD candidates, and served as the committee member, academic assessor, academic advisor, external examiner, moderator, journal article reviewer, book proposal referee and adjudicator, etc. for tertiary institutes, government bodies and community organizations.
代表性著述Selected Publications:
- 2013, 《唐代筆記叠詞例析》,載施仲謀主編《百川匯海——文史譯新探》,香港:中華書局, 頁298-314。
- 2012, “Proverbs in Biji of the Tang Dynasty”, Journal of Teaching and Education, 1(4): 355-362.
- 2011, 《二十世紀初〈新著國語文法〉的“西體中用”》 ,載單周堯主編《東西方研究》,上海:上海古籍出版社,頁 395-403。
- 2011, 《〈詩經〉字詞運用二題》,載謝耀基、陳熾洪編《藟緣論集》,廣州:暨南大學出版社,頁293-306。
- 2010, “Parataxis and Hypotaxis in the Chinese Language”, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 3(16): 351-359.
- 2009, 《黎錦熙語法體系述評》,載單周堯主編《香港大學中文學院八十周年紀念學術論文集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,頁589-601。
- 2009, “The Rhetorical Use of Chinese Logograms”, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1(19): 171-181.
- 2007, 《從“潮”談起——香港的“潮流”用語》,《語文建設通訊》,第87期,頁14-20。
- 2006, 《篇章.語法.修辭》,香港:E-Media Production Company,光盤。
- 2005, 《“潜火” 說》,載單周堯主編《語言文字學研究》,北京:中國社會科學出版社,頁188-93。
- 2004, 《漢語綜述》,香港:香港大學出版社,1999初版,2004修訂,2012重印(與李家樹、陳遠止合著)。
- 2004, 《漢語語法的歐化與規範化》,載單周堯、李焯然、王潤華主編《東西方文化——承傳與創新》,新加坡:Uni Press、八方文化創作室,頁274-282。
- 2002, 《〈詩經〉顔色字的運用》,《詩經研究叢刊》,第3輯,頁106-114。
- 2001, 《詞和短語的離合問題》,《烟臺大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》第2期,頁234-240。
- 2000, 《香港話語的顔色詞》,《方言》, 第3期,頁284-288。